RIP Cata Classic

He already did.

You’re a mouth breather. I was in a guild with friends throughout Naxx and Ulduar on this toon, then left and joined VII, raided with them once, then retired this toon. I recently got back on this toon and /gquit.

Your headcanon is not greater than reality.

Learn how to not say the most brain rot, drool on keyboard, special education keyboard with rubber covers posts.


Sounds like a flex to me.

Literally never have done it. Feel free to quote me saying you were banned from the forums at any point.

I mean, you won’t. I literally called you out on how many times you lie about me and to quote me, to which you stated I never have called you out to quote me, then I proceed to quote every single time I have said it and you ran away from that post.

Tally this one up as well.

Literally wasn’t me, but sure.

Literally never happened.

I gquit but sure, live in your schizo lies.

Uh? So what is this then? :point_down:

But you also say this in the previous post I linked with a quote :point_down:

You’re a compulsive liar, only made worse by your schizo ramblings time and time again.

You know what’s really easy to keep track of? The truth. It’s why my posts never change and flip flop on core points. The secret is, unlike you, I’m not lying.

Go back to your leveling grind lmao, we all know your end game starts and ends at hitting max level.