RIP cara dune

Im joking lol, but tbh im abit scared of Westerner leaving their own country instead of fixing it because most of the time they bring their own destructive view when they move.

Yes, he was willing to be jailed for his views. I think thatā€™s a perfectly acceptable tradeoff to make if you feel strongly enough about your views (and need to project them to social media).

Iā€™m in Canada atm. For me, I donā€™t subscribe to any of this back and forth VS mentality. Iā€™d rather go somewhere where these arguments arenā€™t taking place. Iā€™m just so damn sick of this lunacy. I donā€™t know how to stop it, and all this shaming, and what not going on. I donā€™t trust many people anymore because I donā€™t know if theyā€™re going to be bat$%^@ crazy.


My motherā€™s family emigrated from Japan to the US in the 1920s.They never looked back even with the bigotry, having their farm stolen out from under them and having to go to an internment camp.


Iā€™m from Bali and its always scare me when Western English teacher indoctrinates our children to be a nonbeliever and turn my homeland into another generic western city.

But ofc not all of them are like this.

maybeā€¦ people shouldnā€™t be jailed for there views? no matter how it is precieved by the masses?
sorry for afking making chicken fijatas


Iā€™m glad to be a product of our public school system. Our public schools canā€™t endorse or advance specific religions or sects, but they also canā€™t inhibit the expression of religious beliefs held by students. Itā€™s a win/win proposition.


Yeahā€¦ that would be scary. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m having an issue here. There is this real hatred now for anyone who doesnā€™t think the norm. Iā€™ve been called so many names by people who align with this, or that just because I donā€™t side with them.

I just find people are really mean if you are not part of the pack. Hence why I avoid people now, and remain in my own pack where I focus more on inner spiritual development.

The louder the world gets, the quieter I become. <3

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Well that and the ā€˜reeducation campsā€™ā€¦ amazing how soon people forget or gloss it over.

Except they donā€™t.


If theyā€™re anything like us theyā€™d of already exterminated us.

Praying for you, but please donā€™t lose your faith in humanity. :heart:


Iā€™m tryingā€¦ I really am. tyā€¦ <3 That made my night.

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Thatā€¦ sentence didnā€™t make sense.

Try again.

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i think they might be referring to contelpro being agent provocateur

Except some do.

tin foil hat on for just a moment.
what if they didnt tho?

All I know is that if Mos Eisley was a Social Media, that would be Twitter. But instead of not serving droids, they donā€™t serve people with opposite opinion of the majority.

We can tell your IQ is lower then average facing consequences for your own stupidity is not ā€œcancel cultureā€. Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

Ok man. Thanks for stopping by.