RIP cara dune

Im sure your the type to tell your boss to bugger off and get fired them complain about being “canceled” or the new buzzword of the week “censored”. :rofl:

Sounds good Thor.

Incorrect or you’re willfully posting a falsehood. There is no such definition or verbiage on their website.

Already linked it above.

You’re incorrect and that’s okay.

BLM “protestors” are domestic terrorists.

cant you see from another perspective that maybe… just maybe… some of those riots where started by contelpro?

I see no such link. They make some broad definitions of motivation but do not specify affiliation in the section on Domestic. I’m a big Malcolm Nance fan and I care about matters related to natsec, so I pay attention to this stuff.

Linked it above, literally the definition on the FBI’s website of what domestic terrorism is, aka what BLM “protestors” did.

They are domestic terrorists.

You keep saying you linked it but you didn’t.

Except they’re not, and never have been. There is a list of domestic terrorist organizations that the United States recognizes as terrorists. Black Lives Matter is not one of them. Trump ‘wanted’ them to be listed as a terrorist organization (alongside Antifa), but it never got past the ‘wanted it to be’ stage.

The only organization that is currently slated to be listed as a domestic terrorist group are the Proud Boys.


They are terrorists. :slight_smile:

BLM did not have protestors, they had terrorists.

They destroyed government property as well as local businesses.

You keep saying that word. It doesn’t mean what you think it means.

If they were domestic terrorists, then the FBI and Law Enforcement would be seeking warrants for BLM organizers and activists. They would be placed on the list of known domestic terrorist organizations, known members would be placed on no-fly lists and would be constantly monitored, and the media would be talking up the arrests for known terrorists etc.

None of this is happening. Why? Because they’re not a terrorist organization. Neither the White House, Department of Justice, FBI, Secret Service, CIA, NSA or any other government agency considers them to be one.

And no matter how much you’d like to pretend otherwise because you ‘feel’ they should be. Facts don’t care about your feelings.


no troll genuinely curious.
are gangs considered terrorists?

If said gangs are engaging in acts of terrorism, and law enforcement considers them to be engaging in acts of terrorism, then yes.

Otherwise no, anything illegal would be chalked up under ‘illegal gang activity’ and left at that.

what can be considered acts of terrorism tho? in this scenerio can a gang v gang shoot out be called a terrorist event?

And not long ago Disney defended one of their writers that was openly racist…

Lets be real, they fired her cause she didnt bend the knee to the stupid woke nonsense from Twitter


Ohhh look! It starts!

They’re reporting me to hide my posts to try and “cancel” me on the forums because they don’t like what I have to say :frowning:

How sad

you are a wild child if i do say so myself.

a person who uses unlawful violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.

Gangs fighting for turf isn’t because (usually) they target each other. But it can sow terror on the populace.

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Acts of terrorism vary, but the UN defines terrorism as:

Criminal acts, including against civilians, committed with the intent to cause death or serious bodily injury, or taking of hostages, with the purpose to provoke a state of terror in the general public or in a group of persons or particular persons, intimidate a population or compel a government or an international organization to do or to abstain from doing any act, which constitute offences within the scope of and as defined in the international conventions and protocols relating to terrorism.

So if a gang was, say, fighting another gang using guns and having a shoot out in the street, then that would not be terrorism, even though it would panic civilians.

If that same gang decided to instead use suicide bombers to blow up turf belonging to the rival gang, then that would be terrorism.


Looking at the entirety of this story, it’s honestly pretty funny right up until she compared herself to Jewish people in the 1940s.