RIP "Breaking the cycle", absolutely nothing is changing with factions


There is still time, the SL Expansion isn’t yet set in stone. Maybe Blizz will compromise?

Why though? They have given no real hook to have people interested in this idea.

Because muh Sylvanas gonna save us all in the future like Kerrigan

I am so gonna miss those guys, Murgatroyd again well done with that gif!

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get hecked, alliance will eternally remain “kill on sight”, as was the light’s intent when it showed me with not only Gn^mes, but, may the light forgive me for uttering this curse, Gn^mes in diapers

I hate war mode, you know why? it makes pvp entirely consensual and killed PvP servers. PvP was fun when i was dragged kicking and screaming into it, then came out on top

I think what most players are asking for is the ability to play cross-faction, maybe not humans in Orgrimmar, yet, just the ability to RP battle/war friendships. Things that would keep the factions, at the core, separate but still enable people to play with others regardless of faction.


Baine won, you twit. If anyone walks the plank it should be you Sylvanas loyalists.


This tbh. I want to bro it up with the Dwarves.


How did Baine win haha???..Sylvanas is still loose. The big tree is ashes now. Big sword in Azeroth.

Oh well.

At least BFA has nice art. BFA story means nothing with shadowlands.

you said in another thread you were glad to put a nail in the high elf coffin.

alliance blood elves woulda stopped that from happening. now its inevitable. no way to play an alliance high elf even if in the form of a blood elf.

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No cross faction play means Baine was wrong. We will keep on fighting. Baine was as wrong and intellectually weak as Sylvanas claimed. All his goals are totally laughable. The own devs are not courageous enough to do what Baine set out to. Bfa is a total lie and Baine should be bbq’ed. He gave up all our advantages in BFA for a pipe dream that never came to fruition.


The same happened in MoP. It means nothing. There’s your allies and then there’s those you aren’t at war with but still consider the enemy.

He’s running around your city while your precious Lich Queen’s followers are being put in chains. Looks like winning to me. :man_shrugging:


Really looking forward the next war that will happen in 2 expansions from now. I wonder who will be Warchief then. Or wait a minute, maybe they will SHAKE things up a little and make the Alliance choose a new High King!

News shock to some, you can write a story and lore in game completely separated to having players have the option of being part of a crossfaction guild or group.

Guilds being crossfaction does not mean you can go walk around in Stormwind and have a beer with Anduin or go in a tour trip to Thunder Bluff and say hi to your cool guy Baine.
War mode exists for a reason and you can keep that rolling for as long as you want. But cross faction grouping and player interaction would be a healthy change for the GAME (keyword right there), dont want to be in a guild filled with horde players or alliance? dont join it.


you should ask for better enemies then.

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Baine? Baine is still complaining about the ouchie he had and the band aid they put on it was too small.

Lich Queen followers have strategically retreated to Ghostlands if you must know! :slight_smile:

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Your city? Org is a Horde city and this has always been Baine’s too. Not like he took over the city.

Also not all loyalist are being put in chains.

The fact that we’re made to modify our ruling system to please our Alliance overlords it’s proof that Baine indeed won.

He doesn’t care about anything besides being a rug for the Alliance.


Some are actually stand right out in the open in Org as well.