RIP Bob Saget

One of the best tv dads (Danny Tanner)

Died today at 65


:frowning: so sad R I P


Terrible news. :frowning:


well its January and already this year started to suck.


Very shocking!

Very sad.

i don’t know who it is but paix à son âme

Yezus. Thats insanely young.

Blizzard, you have two people to add to 9.2. Do your job.

Very sad. I really liked his work.

Damn son first Norm Macdonald and now this?

#I didn’t even know he was sick

I don’t think he was. He had a show in Orlando two days prior.


I’m not sure he was. They found no immediate cause and no obvious drug use around him. So unless he got loaded up with some kinda drug before getting into his room, it looks natural or something we/he didn’t know of. Sometimes people just die.


So sad.

Look up Jamie Kennedy’s song Rolling with Saget. Pure genius.

Man that’s crazy, once you hit the 60’s all bets are off it seems. Seen way too many people kick it right when they should’ve been enjoying their golden years.

On another note a 36 year old mother of two died of cancer, a 4 year old died to a stray bullet. a just retired 60 year old died of dementia. No soul is greater than another. Your accomplishments on this earth are a piece of sand in the larger scale of existance. Try to be a good person. Dont get caught up in fame worship. To many real life things around you far more important. Min by min from the day we are born our life is numbered.


millions of people knew this grain of sand, you don’t even know the names of the 36 year old mother, 4 year old, or the 60 year old with dementia.


Gave me goosebumps reading that. So sad, I don’t want to know :frowning:

In memory of the corny tv dad I spent so many hours watching in this show.

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Ahh man I’m feeling old,
Seems no foul play was a present indicator but we’ll see.

Death doesn’t escape us.
He seemed like a cool dude.

As a 40 something with only so-so health I’m getting concerned when rich and famous dudes are keeling over seemingly left and right just 20 years my senior. Makes me wonder what my actual chances are of seeing true geriatric age.