RIP Blackwood Furbolgs


It still amuses me to no end how both factions bang on about how the Furbolgs are a nuisance, a threat, violent... and then you go to the zone and they're just chilling by their encampments. No frenzy, no berserking, no massive aggro range. They are just sitting around.

And both the Horde and Alliance go exterminate 'em.
11/09/2018 02:14 PMPosted by Zatiya

Just you wait, <name> -- once we have conquered Darnassus the Elders of the Blackwood tribe will be thanking us for restoring peace to the den.

We just need to borrow it for a moment.

Umm... wtf Sylvanas?

Peace, as in "peace and quiet". I'm not sure why its so hard for people to understand that Sylvie's concept of "lasting peace" is a little bit different then the rest? I spent the entirety of "A Good War" saying "I know what Saurfang means when he's talking about peace, but what exactly are you talking about her Sylvie?"