Ring upgrade this week?

I have five alts. Pray for me.


I just did it on sunday and it was pretty fun honestly.

I did find an unfortunate monkey wrench with my hunter though.
She isn’t my main so I did the entire campaign on my dk. I STARTED the lvl 80 campaign since the first few quests you got a weapon. Which was nice day 1.

But now I have to fully complete the campaign before I can start siren isle :joy: :sob:

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We’re in the same boat
trying to keep up my Monk, Priest, Shaman, Evoker and Paladin with this thing. Up till last week I was even putzing around on Warlock, Mage, Warrior and Rogue for fun (and to farm the irons to buy mogs) but this weekly is going to nix those plans lol.

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Thank you!

does “juicing up and storming out” work for anyone else?

i’ve completed all the quest requirements except “use the NUKULAR target painter”. using it just takes me back out of my mech suit. i can’t interact with the item when i’m not in the suit.

edit: figured it out! if you have the jetpack buff still, it’ll override the NUKULAR item.

I mean that’s one thing but it’s not very clear to the player

confirmed filled bar got quest completed quest left the scenario before completing it dont need to complete Scenerio to complete ring quest part just need to fill bar to get quest

It’s so crazy how this stuff goes live and has issues literally every week and no one loses their jobs over it. I’m sorry but wasting time is time we never get back. We should get hourly comp.


There’s no issue this week, you get the quest to upgrade the ring after you complete the fill the bar WQ that gives the citrine gem.

Some of ya’ll really don’t like putting in any effort. Took 5 minutes to figure this out in-game.


there isnt even an issue this week, u just need to do a 5 minute quest beforehand and it will appear.

Mine borked last week on my monk and is 1 week behind, I guess permanently
 I don’t really care too much, but it’s just another bug in the patch I guess.

Edit: I just got an upgrade citrine from a chest in the storm, so my monk is caught up now. :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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Hmm they locked it behind the dailies even for alts.

Do activities to fill up the bar in the quest log to 100% and the quest opens up.

It’s still poor direction that they do nothing to indicate you had to do the fill the bar quest, which hasn’t been required before. Doesn’t take much to point people in the right direction.


But this is the alt friendly expansion right? LOL


Where do you see this? Because this isn’t even hinted in the game. I have to go to the forums to know that you need to do the weelky quest just to get the quest to upgrade your ring?

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Yeah poor communication design. Players have to figure it out. Should be the other way around.

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 chill. It was poorly communicated but having to fill the bar itself is not a huge deal. It took me ten mins?

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I had it drop on alts from rares b4 i finished the storm quest

FFS why do we have to do Tides of Greed everytime