Ring in the New Year with the January Trading Post

I want armor sets from the bonus reward

They’re making up numbers based on nothing because they don’t like it and want to whine. lol

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well i pay a sub so i can whine

they need to know this reward is unacceptable


I know. People complaining about getting free stuff. It’s very entertaining.


Because you don’t understand how cash flow works I guess.

is it free if you have to pay a sub to access it?

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Well…this makes my dance sad. I may have to freeze the scarab mount and hope that the salamander comes around again later because I need WAY too many tenders for February, with the Sailor-Moon-looking stuff coming.

The watch is neat, though. My characters don’t usually roll with big bulky gloves.

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So do the rest of us.

You can dislike it all you want, but that doesn’t make it “unacceptable” in the least.

I will have fun with it in my outfits. Roleplayers will be all over this. Half my guild is already setting up Bronze dragon inspired outfits around this timepiece.

You pay a sub for server access. You aren’t paying extra for the Trading Post. :woman_facepalming:t4:


Yes because it’s a bonus reward for stuff you’d be doing anyway, legit the whole trading post rewards you for doing the stuff you do and are doing anyway with little to no extra effort.


i can access the server on a trial account until level 20 so thats hogwash

I guess this is why almost all RP servers have merged because RPers are such a huge population in WoW…oh wait. No. Less than 1% of people will use this watch as a reward. The monthly thing is supposed to be a culmination. A mount, a toy, an entire transmog set, a pack of weapons, are all acceptable. This is not.

i dont do most of the stuff that objectives require.

i go out of my way to do the objectives aside from quests and raid bosses

you cant argue with people who bury their heads in the sand saying LA LA LA

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I can see logic is lost on you. Not even worth the effort.

What are you even on about? No RP servers have merged. LOL

And there are two high pop servers full of roleplayers, along with some smaller ones like mine that still have roleplayers.

Do you just enjoy making stuff up?

I guess that answers that question. :rofl:


A wrist piece that most people won’t ever actually use? Why? That’s not monthly reward worthy. That’s a couple hundred tenders worth at best.

lose the argument so attack my logic . classic

This is such a switch and bait. A mount we never really got not being the monthly reward over a stupid wristwatch is crazy to me. “Hey you completed the monthly reward here’s your wrist watch!” Bro can you like for once make it decent? This month we got a pet and pets shouldn’t even be a monthly reward. Hell no. Just like the pet I’m never going to use the wrist watch is another thing I’m not going to use. 800 for the scarab? :clap: good job blizzard good job. Couldn’t even put respectable amount of tendies on the mount. Just say you want us to pay for tenders already. Just say it. I thought this was world of WARcraft?. But now that you are giving me a wrist watch I guess it’s World of identity crisis craft.


Hmmm, not sure what you are doing when you are online then vs the rest of us since it tends to cover holidays, world stuff, raid stuff and PVP but fair enough then.

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You’re arguing with people that just want to hate on the game. They want it catered to them and them alone. There is nothing we can say that will stop them from being selfish about the game.


i farm old content for mogs