If you think they’re just doing out of the goodness of their heart and not expecting a large increase in shop sales from this, you don’t understand how this works.
What token sales?
The Wow token sales with tender bundles, whatever tf it was. I meant to say shop sales not token, I’ll fix it.
??? Token sales ???
See above. I meant shop sales with the tender bundles or pre order sales from the xpac box sales.
No it shouldn’t. I enjoy getting outfits and weapons that I don’t have to pay Tender to acquire.
There are currently no bundles with tender. As far as box sales, I mean if people are spending money on a preorder now instead of a month from now what’s the difference?
well this aint an outfit its something you wont ever even see
I don’t even buy the mounts. But I guess screw people like me.
Sure I will. I have lots of transmogs that don’t use gloves.
vast majority of the people that use gloves , this is worthless to them
And the vast majority of Druids don’t ride mounts, this is worthless to them.
No. Blood Troll set or something of similar quality > another +1 mount I’ll never use.
The prices are, as usual, insane. Why have an ability to freeze anything if I’m never going to be able to save enough tender to be able to buy a frozen object? Between dragonriding and the Trading Post’s numbers being insanely high, my desire to collect mounts is completely gone, and I’ve got like 700 of the buggers. Even with me not buying a single mount this year of the trading post I’m still so backlogged with stuff I’d like from the trading post that I’m starting not to enjoy when the new month comes around. WoW is my escape from being poor and miserable, can I not be poor and miserable in game too please?
and the vast majority of people who do the trading post want good bonus rewards
Agreed, I feel variety is good because even if I don’t love something as the monthly reward someone else or many others might and to me that’s what really counts honestly.
Who decided a watch wasn’t a good bonus reward? It’s unique unlike most of the mounts they post on there.
a watch 90% of people wont even see on their character
95% wont even transmog it
I’m not sure what you mean.
But something many people forget is that monthly rewards are meant to cycle through different types of cosmetics to cover all different types of gameplay and interests.
It’s a free cosmetic. Suck it up. Lots of people transmog in lots of different ways.
Exactly! Thank you!
How many people ride the broom today that was the bonus mount from October? No one. So what’s your point?