Ring in the New Year with the January Trading Post

Pretty much. No one else exists and no one else, no matter how small or large, should ever get anything!

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you also want it catered for you and you alone otherwise you would have no problem with people wanting different things


See I never said don’t add something. I think they should do things for everyone. Mounts, pets, transmog, maybe even toys in the future. You don’t have to like everything, but to come on here complain because you don’t is selfish.

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I have had no problems with most of the trading post, but this…

honestly you should feel bad for supporting this

No one cares if you dislike it. I literally said you can dislike it all you want. It’s trying to claim that it’s unacceptable and needs removed, etc from you and others that shows the entitled and selfish behavior around here.

We’re the ones saying the rewards should cover all interests, no matter how small or large— and the end of month rewards have been doing that. We’ve seen pets, mounts, weapons, outfits, singular pieces, etc… all to cover all aspects of cosmetics.


2 mounts that cost 850 and the monthly reward is a watch that would otherwise cost 100 tender, lmao, pathetic. They’re just turning this into another cash shop to sell tenders.


Good try, but they’re not going to let you hide pants.

did i say it needs to be removed? no

its already there. its too late. the pigs flew. the rooster croaked

im saying dont do it again

Oof. Next month will be extremely expensive for me. So many essentials, which should have been released regularly in the past. I’m just glad I saved up 4k tenders.

400 Witch Doctor’s Fetish Guard
500 Witch Doctor’s Fetish Frame
100 Tabard of Wild Might
850 Wastewander Tracker’s Kit
200 Blademaster’s Suntouched Stones
50 Sepia Treads of the Kalu’ak

There is only one trading post reward I actually use, and thats pieces from the blood troll transmog. I’m still not going to complain about the ones I wont use.

i got 8800 tender, and so far ive used tender on a few select things like the cloaks.

im waiting on my valhallan greatsword. a year now

And yet there are zero bundles with Tender on the shop. :thinking:

You claimed it’s unacceptable and also this:

Which is absolute horrible behavior for anyone.

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According to that council interview last week, prices are just misunderstood and not actually going up.



I’ve got to admit, I’m starting to wonder what the heck is up with the prices for stuff when the max tenders you can earn in a month is 1000, and there have been almost no repeats in the offerings so far. People may need to stay subbed for years to see the things that they were unable to get the first time come around again, so that makes all the announcements that they’re not going to sell tenders and they’re largely phasing out offering them as part of shop bundles that much stranger. Like…do they think that someone will really stay subscribed for another two years or however long it turns out to be before they get another shot at some of these big-ticket items?


yeah mounts that used to be 600 are now 850

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Well, I was on one that was combined with like 5 others before I transferred off of it. So yea, maybe merged was the wrong word, but whatever they called it. There are basically 2 real RP servers and then a few smaller clusters now. That’s about it.

My guild inGame also discusses the prices right now. The developers overdid it with many items.

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Wrong. Try again.

Connected Realms for low pop servers happened ages ago and it wasn’t only RP realms.

Which doesn’t equate to the hyperbole you tried to pull about who would use this and how many roleplayers exist. So glad we got that cleared up.

who are you to tell me to try again

you aint my mother

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Prices are too high this month. The way it is, I buy one mount, I’m stuck only buying one other item.

Also, Scarab and Watch should be swapped. Make the scarab the monthly and make the watch like 150 tendies.