Righteous Fury Mechanics == OP Paladin Threat (1k+ TPS)

Again, you have not been reading what I’ve been saying.

I’m going to say this one more time, and then I’ll ignore every continued attempt you make to misrepresent my arguments.

Warriors objectively deal more DPS than Paladins.
The value of that DPS is subjective.

If you can hold aggro with 1k TPS, TPS beyond 1k has objectively zero value.
DPS always has some value. That doesn’t mean it’s more valuable than EVERYTHING ELSE.
Something that has some value is objectively better than something with objectively zero value.

The only way you can argue otherwise is if you believe DPS has zero value. Do you really want to argue that point?

No, I didn’t, which is why the reports were dismissed and my post was unhidden.

Of course. It’s been that way from the very beginning. Read through the thread.

I’ve never said they aren’t viable.

I suppose you could say I’m proving that it isn’t optimal, but everyone here knows that, I think.

“Paladins can deal TONS of threat because of this bug!”
“Okay, but they still have other issues.”

Are you sure? It’s about a bug that causes Righteous Fury to affect GBoK and allow for very high amounts of threat.

The implications of that are worth discussing, I’d say, and I felt it necessary to point out that doing high amounts of threat and being able to hold aggro doesn’t make Paladins good at tanking because there are numerous other aspects of tanking that they are weaker in.

If all you really want to discuss is “should the bug be left in the game,” why have you been arguing with me about anything other than that?

For Druids to be sure, but my specific example was Broodlord who has a notably slow and hard hitting attack speed and a nasty special that can Critically Strike.

Eh this is sorta moot in Classic where you aren’t limited by consumable slots really. If you want to stack several different elixirs, jujus, and a flask you can.

The raid that freely allows a Protection Paladin also freely allows minimal/no consumable usage, PvP specs that just use baseline class abilities to push through, maintains subpar strategies, etc, etc. You can be hyperbolic all you like, but allowance for mediocrity is pervasive.



Again with the allowances for mediocrity.

I am already at a point where I have to drop off defensive buffs.

I have currently dropped:
Blood Boil
Blessing of Sanctuary
Elixir of Fortitude
Rumsey Rum Black Label
5 Resists (to shoulders)
Power Word: Fortitude

If I don’t do that, a Renew/Regrowth/Rejuvenation/Inspiration will knock off world buffs.

Wait… wut?

I thought they fixed passive stuff… also what is your total buff list that you’re dropping Fort?

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for the love of elune don’t stack 3x Power Infusions and 3x Innervates then!

Enchants applied by items still count towards the total.

Hey, man, I’m not the one doing it!

i know - just being cheeky

I am accounting for a lot of temporary buffs, just to avoid anything ever being knocked off.

Realistically I still have some buff slots left, but I’d rather be safe.

i’d laugh if u ever knocked off Dire Bear Form lolz


I think the buffs have a priority system similar to debuffs. From my experience, world buffs are the first ones knocked off.

Prior to the bugfix, the passive aura effects from our gear were being knocked off, e.g. “+2% Hit.”

I think Dire Bear Form is one of the highest priority buffs, similar to Taunt being a highest priority debuff. Realistically, I don’t think it can be pushed off.

You don’t.

Do you have any arguments, or are you just here to troll?

Well if we want to use the numbers so elegantly provided by our unbiased friend here:

With buffs and talents thats up to 15000+ armor or 72+% reduction. It’s an ungodly amount of dodge though…are we sure that’s unbuffed? Anyway, if we forgo block as it’s mitigation contribution is variable we are left with… I can’t do it, let’s go with 11.53% dodge instead. That leaves 31.61% mitigation from gear. Combine those together to get 80.85% mitigation.

Let’s say feral gets to the armor cap at 75% then you have the

to get 80.45% mitigation. I said mitigation was similar didn’t I?

LOL what? How are you DOUBLING your Armor with “talents and buffs”

That includes talents.

I’m not sure what buffs would give you 7.3k armor.
Devotion Aura - 919 Armor
Mark of the Wild - 385 Armor
Elixir of Superior Defense - 450 Armor

What else am I missing?

That was with the highest mitigation/avoidance gear I could find. It sacrifices some Armor and Defense in favor of higher avoidance.

For example, Unmelting Ice Girdle over Deathbone. 1 less Defense, but 14 Agility is close to 0.75% dodge. Dodge is just the most common form of avoidance found on gear because of Agility and such.

If you dropped some dodge, you could gain Defense, Stamina, or Armor.

Inspiration, but that’s not even close to granting that kind of deficit…

That’s not a permanent buff, so I wouldn’t include it, anyway.

At best, that just puts the soft cap on armor at 13,812.

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Scroll of Protection - 240
Stoneshield potion - 2000
Inspiration - 25%
Toughness - 10%
Agility - minimum of 200

I had this same issue trying to convince people before classic release that druids were a valid tank that could tank almost anything (if you lose the nefarian class call lottery tank = dead). It was really hard to convince people that “not warrior” = good enough to down classic content with available knowledge. “If they ain’t better at everything, then they ain’t worth the raid spot.” That kind of thing.

It should have close to 100% uptime with buffs for raids.

To rely on a buggy mechanic to make yourself feasible seems a little out there…on top of that it won’t even show your correct threat on threat meters, so how can dps judge when to go hard or not?

Buggy I think would imply erratic, or unreliable in general.

GBoK spam is 100% reliable, 100% not erratic, 100% not resistible. It is literally perfect threat gen, the model of consistency.