Right side of Enhance tree would make more sense with Chain Harvest as capstone

Here’s another thread talking about this, hoping to get Blizzards attention lmao.

With all of the furthest right talents having to do with flametongue/flame shock/lava lash, why is the right side capstone ascendance? A spell where you prefer to not even use lava lash? Why is left side all about windfury and the capstone completely unreleated? Just flows poorly.

Right and left side capstones should swap and Primordial Burst should be swapped with Chain Harvest.

Chain Harvest is just such a cool and satisfying spell, it’d be like removing hunt from DH or convoke from Druids. At least make it an option.

Hell, primordial burst is already available for all 3 specs so I have no clue why it’s not in the base tree.


Because that would make it mandatory.

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Then why not make the other base tree capstones better/more interesting? Right now they’re only utility and don’t really benefit the DPS specs at all.

The base tree is…basically…just utility. Thats pretty much a strength of the tree.

And yes. utility does benefit the dps specs.


I know utility benefits the DPS specs, but when compared to other class capstones Shaman’s are pretty underwhelming in comparison. The only reason why PW would be “mandatory” in the base tree is because the other 3 capstones barely boost DPS at all.

Not to mention Enh barely gets anything from call of the elements, maybe a second cleanse or a second cap totem, etc. Which can be useful! But it’s not exactly exciting, Resto has multiple 3 minute long CD totems that get full value from it. Ele at least can double magma totem, but that still only has a 1 min long CD so the value isn’t as exciting. Enh has zero talents that give CD totems, that I’m aware of. Unless there’s new baseline DPS CD totems I’m not aware of?

Anyway, it was just a suggestion and not the topic of this post. I don’t really mind if PW is in the spec tree, but it does seem like something that could fit if further adjustments were made. Would be nice if we talked about CH/Right side of the Enh talent tree rather than argue of that.

Ok. I wasn’t a fan of CH. It was just a longer CD of a thing we already had. It didn’t do anything to effect my gameplay or change my rotation. It was useless in anything single target.

I’d rather have capstones that have an effect on my gameplay.

Chain Harvest is no where near close in usefulness or power as say…convoke was for druids.

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The whole point of the class trees was supposed to be that they’re built on utility and do not benefit dps at all. The fact that so many of them are majority damage abilties is a failure on those trees’ part that we should not be asking for our tree to emulate.

A lot of our class tree’s specific utility talents sucking is a separate issue, but the goal should remain the same: class trees should not have throughput talents at all, much less as capstones.


What spell is it exactly like? I can’t think of any spell that applies riptide and flame shock to 5 targets while damaging and healing all a the same time, while scaling with maelstrom weapon. Sure, it’s kind of a combination of chain lightning and chain heal, but that’s what makes it a cool CD. Access to that kind of burst AoE and burst healing fits the theme of Shaman pretty well.

And CH gave Enhance a maelstrom stack CD that wasn’t elemental blast, with the legendary it also synergizes with fire nova. It fits within the flame shock build, which seems to be AoE focused anyway and that’s what the topic is about. Giving the right side, the flame shock/lava lash build a final capstone that actually makes sense. You don’t even want to press lava lash during ascendance.

It was just a super chain lightning. Spreading flame shock is already trivial. Throwing out a chain heal is nearly irrelevant.

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The healing from Chain Harvest was hardly trivial. I’ve saved keystones with a well timed Chain Harvest.

However, the last thing we need in DF is a fourth damaging Maelstrom spender, even if it’s on a long cooldown. Primordial Wave works better because it increases the usefulness of our existing maelstrom spender, while also being a significant haste buff on a short cooldown.

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It was trivial in the long run.

It being useful once a dungeon is still. Well. Trivial. In the full context of the run, and how most of the healing from it is something a healer would have been covering already.

I believe if chain harvest was actually cool and satisfying it would probably be played by more than 1% of all shamans in m+, but it isn’t .

Can kind of recreate this with AG + Pwave + Overflowing Maelstrom (at least once the overflowing/pwave interaction is fixed).

According to Blizzards API Venthyr are the 2nd most popular for Enhance despite not being as strong in M+ or Raiding compared to NF or Necro. It’s unpopular in M+ because it’s not as strong as Necro, people playing high keys in M+ are obviously going to be picking whatever is numerically the best. The spell could be the most interesting and interactive thing in the entire game but get ignored by M+ players if it wasn’t the best.

Not saying CH is some godly spell like that, but it’s still cool and has neat interactions with things like fire nova and giving the unique utility of burst healing with damage.

You can make any of these spells sound lame by boiling it down, too. PW is just a flame shock (something on a trivial CD that auto gets refreshed by lava lash anyway) and increases the damage of your next lightning bolt, something you’d be pressing anyway, just adds button bloat to the rotation due to being on GCD, gives next to zero utility, etc.

And I think PW is an interesting spell, just giving an example of how easy it is to twist stuff like that. All I’m trying to say it’d just be nice to be able to keep CH as an option.

Again, CH could be a part of a right side AoE oriented build, which means you’d be ignoring the right side and not be necessarily taking elemental blast anyway. It’s criminal that we never had a proper fire nova build during SL because combo-ing it with CH is super satisfying in concept.

Though after looking through more of the tree, there would be other things I’d appreciate moved around. Like ice strikes position above WF totem and stormflurry, hailstorm being smack in the middle of a bunch of flame shock talents is also bizarre. Could even create a new frost-shock branch rather than placing them seemingly at random (I understand it’s supposed to kinda be on the AoE side of things, but hailstorm not even being connected to ice strike is strange).

Can you provide a link please? Because I’m seeing 1% of enh use it in m+ and 0.04% of enh use it in raid. I find it highly unlikely that it’s the second most popular.

Enh been playing fire nova builds almost exclusively in m+ since 9.2 came out

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The higher you go in keys, the less its used. Even the night fae cov is used more often.

And in raiding, venthyr is basically worthless.

And a massive haste boost, while still giving you cleave.

CH is literally a stronger spell you already have, that has almost no effect on your rotation/gameplay.

Even assuming that’s true, I would wager that comes down to Venthyr being Enhance’s strongest Covenant from 9.0 through 9.1.5, and a lot of people not caring enough to change when 9.2 catapulted Necrolord.

WoWhead’s covenant page has a section showing popularity, NF is pretty close 3rd though.

I’m not finding anything through wowhead’s covenant page, but subcreation is currently listing Enhancement as 89% Necrolord, 9% Night Fae, and 2% Venthyr in M+, to 94% Night Fae and 6% Necrolord in raids.

I can’t post images but it’s about halfway down the page