Right side of Enhance tree would make more sense with Chain Harvest as capstone

That page provides very little context for those statistics. This is literally the entire section:

Enhancement Shaman Covenant Popularity

Below you can see the data on what are the most picked Covenants for Enhancement Shamans. This data updates automatically and comes directly from Blizzard’s API.

Kyrian 6.5%
Necrolord 36.8%
Night Fae 27.4%
Venthyr 29.2%

This tells us nothing about what content those players are doing, or even how active they are. For all this tells us, all 29.2% of those Venthyr Enhancement shaman could be inactive players who quit the game before 9.2.5 changed our preferences away from Venthyr, or every one of them might be PvPers who have never so much as set foot in a key.

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When was the context of the spell M+ or raiding only? It does have good use in arena.

If you want a spell thats only gonna be used for the arenas…there are pvp talents.

But from what I heard, those are pretty close to being locked down as it is, and another mandatory one wouldn’t be cool.

Venthyr isn’t a bad pick in PVE. Outside of straight up ST fights. Then its absolutely horrible. For AE its ok, more “fun” than “good”. Once you start to do any challenging m+ content, you really have to change to Necrolord.

This does not account for players who are active/inactive.

A large chunk of these % will be people who played in S1 and then quit

I truly believe the devs should give all classes more skills back to make room for new talents, interesting ways to play. Sucks having to talent into ascendance. This should just be in all Shamans toolkit.

I mean. One of the issues Enh has atm is too many abilities. Specifically spenders. This woulda just made it worse. Granted the LvB/EB charge change will alleviate that some.

Enh did get some new stuff as it is.