Right now Classic on a pvp server is unplayable

I would like to see worlds be “faction locked” to new accounts, if one faction drastically outnumbers the other, or “Faction ques”.
I love world pvp, but what is ridiculous are the 5:1 fights at every level 40+ area’s FP. We cant even spirit rez and hearth to get away, its literally just log off or stay as a ghost for 1 hr and hope to get lucky and run away.
don’t get me wrong, if I was on the other side, I wouldn’t complain because it’d be fun… but I like many others aren’t on that side.


I feel anyone that refers to their characters as “toons” should be griefed 24/7.

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“I could have played on PvE but instead I picked “cage full of psychopaths” so I could gank lowbies. But I only reached level X and now I’m getting ganked Blizzard pls fix.”

If you leave, isn’t that still “abandoning” your 3 months into multiple characters?

Either way, 15 years of constant complaints about the awful nature of Gankfest Servers should’ve warned you to avoid them.

I mean, there’s a reason why Gankfest Servers no longer exist in Retail.

The situation is out of control, we have a different scenario here with the servers having x times more players then way back.

Even in the most unbalanced servers there was no way for the dominant faction to ocuppy this many zones at once.

A shrink in player count back to vanilla days coupled with new servers and controlled free transfers would fix things smoothly, without changing the classic experience at all.
Horde is playing PVE right now, if they wanted to play PVP they would’ve rolled alliance lol.


Too bad so sad.

Reroll PVE or quit.


Hmm . . .That’s interesting.

Just power lvled a buddy of mine from 48-60 on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of last week.

heres the kicker it was all outside. Started in the Hinterlands, then Searing Gorge/Burning Steppes, and finished off in WPL/EPL.

Yeah there were times where the Horde decided they wanted to give us Honor. But nothing our group of 3-6 couldn’t handle.

Key takeaway from this. Dont go out into the World of Warcraft without your buddies. These are trying times. Use your community.

It’s the first week of PVP being out, of course it’s going to be busy.

If you rolled Alliance on a PVP server you knew we were the underdogs since week one. If you wanna gank with double the numbers go play Horde where you belong.

No need to be a big crybaby about getting ganked. You can always make your own raid and fight back. That’s what I did, and I’m at 3k HK’s now. I will NEVER regret playing Alliance.

Nice assumption but not that much. It’s more even than that to be perfectly honest. Also, I’m not part of the ones that are complaining on the forums claiming that they like PVP but really these people don’t and hate PVP at its extreme level.

The problem is that classic isn’t a new game or experience for majority of the people playing it. So the dominant, opposing faction on any given pvp server is literally able to go to a known location of the enemy faction, and completely devastate and camp people trying to level, who absolutely stand no chance.

Not to mention, the opportunity to transfer characters to another server doesn’t exist.

Like many who will agree, it’s not enjoyable to play in the chaos. Unsubscribe til Shadowlands

you sir are a lier and spreading your fake news for lack of skill…

Most servers are balanced… 60/40 or better both Horde and Alliance sharing the split… the rest:
unbalanced servers-
6 Alliance dominated
5 Horde dominated

Take your fake news, lies and excuse for losing back to retail

The real problem alliance wont fight or form groups or help each other… therefore you are losing the War to superior pvp’rs

Now bow before the mighty Horde you Alliance peasant.

Don’t give up I know its hard but it will calm down.
Once people raelize they wont be getting rank 14 and once the newness of it wears off, people wont pvp as much. It will still be hard. but not as hard.

Don’t give up, Alliance is hard mode and that means you have heart.

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That would work except you can’t run into dungeons without being chain camped. This game is truly unplayable.

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Important note: only players seen on Warcraft Logs are available!

Because of this, real distribution may not be accurate

At best, it’s a measure of level 60 organized PVE raiders because those are the most likely to use Warcraft Logs. Even then there’s probably a severe bias inherit to the numbers.

It works as a general indicator but I’d say there’s significant errors to using that as a measure of a server’s faction balance.

I would like to know…who MADE all these people roll on a PvP server and then come in the forums crying about PvP servers?

December 10th! You still doubting cow!?

It’s not for Christmas for good marketing?

It counts cow!

It would have counted if they said they’re releasing AV for Christmas.

Dude…no one can release ON christmas - someone has to press the button and make sure things dont explode. I’d never ask my staff to stay on christmas…that’s just cold.

I think it might even be illegal in some places.