Right Click Reporting is out of the beta. No official word yet

Looks like we made a difference. Just hope its a permanent situation.

Now all we need to fix are the 1 zillion new bugs and reduce the time to “loot trade” down to 5 min max.

That eliminates a lot of sore issues.

Although I could really go for pre 1.3 dungeons, 1.5 to 1.7 AV, and pre-1.11 tanking.

That would make my day.

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the most you can do that way without a GM intervention is the squelch, all other penalties are handled by a GM, you cannot suspend or ban just by mass reporting.

it’d be cool for these to be in effect until the appropriate(approximately) phase.

had to do it

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Especially since they like to move so fast you can’t get their names to open a ticket.


Google “green blackboards penny arcade”.

Alright boys let the trump jokes begin!!!

this may have been changed due to them changing some UI functions

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It’s very unlikely for that to have anything to do with it.

First off that’s restricting addons from calling report functions , mostly as a response to a flood of false positives from BadBoy.

Secondly that’s for 8.2 which is at a different build number then Classic and a completely different code base.

Lastly that’s for Live - is Right click to report disabled on Live ? That thread is about UI changes in 8.2 so logically if it was connected then RWR would be also disabled on Live.

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I can manually report nearly as fast, and I will.

Cuz words hurt your feelingz :cry:?

Cause I prefer folks following the rules. IDC, what you think that means.

Go ahead, don’t be shy and report me babe :hugs: I know you want to :wink:

meh, it read to me like they were changing some functionality of RcR, it made sense if they changed it there they would also change it here.

side note, very cheesed they messed up the sound replacing, hope they work out something there :O(

Generally any stickies in the UI and Macros forums will be about what they want addons to be able to do. AKA the API code.

This is not the same thing as what Blizzard does on their interface.

In trade I will if you are being vulgar, harassing, spamming.

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Friendly reminder that the right-click report and auto-squelch features have been in the game for 12 years and are core to Blizzard’s CS operations.

Temper your expectations.


It’s somewhat telling that you know how long it takes to report someone and that you somehow take pride in being good at it.

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It is just as telling as those who get mad at being reported. Meh.


Then get up-to-date? Think before you speak?


I’d wager that most people who engage in conversation that results in a ban are completely unaware beforehand that what they are saying is considered so offensive by someone else that they are risking getting reported and banned.

Almost no one who gets banned is trying to get banned.

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That isn’t really true. Not to mention, if it can get you banned, then the person who typed/used or w/e most likely knew what they meant. There isn’t a slur out there that doesn’t have some sort of negative, demeaning definition that hasn’t been defined as such for years.

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