Right-Click-Reporting + Ganking

Probably the same for name, language; etc etc. Spamming is the one I know doesn’t open a window, it automatically puts the player on ignore and deletes all their chat from your chat windows.

Perhaps adding a text box and requiring a reasonable description of the situation is a good idea to curb the abuse of the system.

There has yet to be a demonstrated further need of curbing.

I stand corrected, all the right click report have a dialog text box now.

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On a lot of other topics you are very much correct. However, this one you could very possibly be wrong. Here is an example from live on how the right click report is abused in RBGs.

To summarize for those who don’t want to watch the video. Savix is a multi r1 ret pally that decided to push rated bgs. The enemy team abused the right click report feature to get him an auto banned. Regardless if he is innocent and wins the appeal, he is taken out of the rated game and his team now outnumbered, loses.

Don’t take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Victims of right click report abuse complaints are all over reddit and these forums. Someone going to cap snowfall? Right click report afk.

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That’s a VERY good thing!

I just hope that they can eliminate the player imposed side of the “Silence”, I am more than happy about the ease of use associated with the click to report system, I just oppose the player executed component of it…

This is a situation where GM’s should be the deciding factor.


He didn’t win his appeal, he endured the full ban because he was guilty. Notice how he didn’t continue to make a big deal of it? Because Blizzard has made examples of people that try to gather a mob by claiming innocence when they know that they’re guilty.


I can tell you that dude is legit, he does not need to cheat to win.

Nah, you can’t tell me that, rofl.

Considering that he was darn good in Legion; yes I can tell you that.

I follow him on twitter and all and I never saw where he even submitted an appeal. Do you have a source to where he lost his appeal?

What does being good have to do with anything? You aren’t sitting there watching his every move, are you? It’s not about needing to cheat to win, what if he paid for free wins to skip the noncompetitive, boring 1600’s bracket? I think Xaryu was banned for botting honor, people cheat dude.

I would think if someone was falsely banned, they would appeal that ban instead of going to play on their EU account.

Does not take that long to get past 1600, not long at all.

What?? Why? When the gear you get from arena is better than anything purchased by BG’s.

I know its popular to trash talk R1 players just like its popular to Trash on the old R14’s but the grand majority of them are really damn good on their own, and when you couple them with other great players that’s how they get R1 and R14.

There is no cheating needed to get there at all, especially when now days most of these guys are getting paid to play and so stream most of their games for the $$$$$

If someone tells me to report someone I’ll just report them for telling me to report someone. :joy:

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Sorry man but don’t say things as factual without evidence to back it up.

You keep using that need word. The top players in Diablo III don’t need to cheat to get to the top either, yet most of them do.

Wait, isn’t that what you’re doing?

Yup, that’s exactly what you’re doing.

This is border line conspiracy theory man… This is like all the QQ threads about R14’s that were botting / AFK’n in AV…

Popular to say but factually impossible. There is no way imaginable to get to Rank 14 while AFK or botting even if you had your character in BG all day long.

Winning is the only way, and the only way you win is by actually playing the games.

It’s the same thing for the R1 players now days, they’re not getting there by botting, and they’re certainly not going to cheat to get past 1600, that’s just totally absurd given they can blast through the easy brackets at a pace that will make the average player freak out.

Um, it’s doesn’t work that way, if you get mass reported by right click, you are squelched. There is no AUTO Ban or suspension via right click. Ask on the CS forums.