Right Click Report - Not Going Away

You sure seem judgmental yourself. And a bit hypocritical. General judging of players who simply want to play a game without a morass of idiocy as “moral busy bodies”, yet gets bent out of shape when others desire distance from edgelords who create said morass.

You clearly care how people perceive idiocy in game.

Them’s look like fightin’’ words!

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No one else thinks that either. The problem that this is a leap you take assuming that that’s what the system is in for. Quoting things you have “heard” on the internet without solid proof that any of it is happening.

If it’s abused, punish those who team up to abuse to send the message this is not what it’s for.

If you take it out it gives gold farmers and those WHO do try to push it free reign. Even with ignore…

Gold farmers are going to be bad… We got past that, now it’s going to be back… And you are worried about some imaginary group of people causing you to be silenced?

If silence goes out, perhaps the person deserved it.

Appeal and let the punishment for fall where it may. To the person who deserves it or the people who abuse it.

Oddly enough, people act like jackasses in game because there is no such threat. Hence the usefulness of a system with teeth, like rcr.

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im quoting myself here but this is how you take out the auto squelch option and still deal with gold sellers.

its ez.

Freedom of speech never guaranteed you the right to say anything you want anywhere you want and in any manner you want.

Who gives you a right to silence other people on a whim because of broken system?


I’m pretty sure I was originally the one who suggested that as a compromise with a higher chance of being entertained by Blizzard than the outright removal of the right-click report system. I don’t bother suggesting it anymore as it’s clear that the system has no chance of being altered.

i know. i stole part of it from you :smiley:.


ahem. jk.


I know. Which is why I keep saying the EULA should be relaxed. Do you really think that the majority of the player base of an online game finds “vulgar language” unacceptable, especially when there’s a language filter? It may not be reported every time, but the option is certainly there, which sets a pretty low bar for getting in trouble over words.
I’m also fully within my rights as a paying customer to discuss what I think should be changed in regards to the game in these forums, so if you think it matters naught, then that’s an opinion, but you’re not speaking for blizzard either.

:face_with_raised_eyebrow: Why are you conflating snow with speech? There’s no first amendment for snow. Again. Terrible analogy.

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It takes more than 1 person to get someone silenced.

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It’s about as relevant to the RCR debate as the first amendment is.

Blizzard does.

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I’m simply talking about the right to see speech vs the right to see snow. I’m not talking about RCR at this point. I’m talking about bad analogies.
Had a feeling you’d chime in though.

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No problem buddy!


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People keep saying this falsehood. Freedom of speech is a natural right that everyone has. The 1st amendment in the U.S. just protects us from the government abridging the right. Also the 1st amendment can and has been used to force corporations to protect speech in ‘public accomodation’ laws. See the case Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado. yes it was eventually overturned by SCOTUS but lower courts did intend to FORCE a corporation’s acceptance of what the corporate officer’s deemed ‘offensive speech’ since they were providing a service to the public.


Your own example just shows why you are wrong. The Supreme Court over turned it, the only court that matters in the end. The court that upholds the constitution.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

That is the wording of the 1st amendment. It is pretty simple to understand.

Actually it did guaranteed you to say what ever crap you wanted. But it doesn’t mean others would want to hear it or how they will treat you or that you can’t be sued over your speech.
As long as you are in america you can indeed call people names if you are a politician holding an office you may get some immunity to lawsuits.

Fair enough I’ll amend that to,

Freedom of speech never guaranteed you the right to say anything you want anywhere you want and in any manner you want free of consequence.

And in WoW one of the consequences is you can be silenced.

IF SCOTUS decides to hear a case, many cases are passed on by them every year.

and it was overturned not on 1st amendment grounds but unfair application of CO law as it pertained to this specific case relative to other similar cases. SCOTUS did not make a 1st amendment ruling in the case.

Almost spit my drink out.