Right Click Report - Not Going Away

The saddest part of this entire issue is that the self righteous moral police absolutely DO NOT CARE that they will cause massive unsubs and destroy Classic. In fact, I think their hidden agenda is TO destroy Classic.

They are all retail fanboys trying to subvert Classic any way possible. And blizzard supports them because blizzard really wishes classic was not a necessary evil they were forced to make to protect their IP.


real life threats are clearly not indicative of what im talking about here.

to your point though , using the ignore function is peoples way of “turning them off” or “not attending” their conversation.

it is both easier and as long as you want it to be and totally in your control when you want it to end.

whereas the rcr ignore is until you log back on and the person can assault your eyes again and you would have to make the effort of rcr them again.

deciding for yourself is one thing. deciding for other people is the problem.


Ignore and report are two different things with two different functions. If I don’t like what someone is saying, I can ignore them. If someone is legitimately breaking rules (real life threats, gold spamming, blatant hate speech) report is a perfectly fine way to go.

Will a few over-sensitive people use RCR for someone saying little things like “TRUMP NATION” or “I watch TYT”? Probably. But I doubt they are the majority and even if a silence results from the reporting, I would hope Blizzard would investigate and punish those who abused the feature.


To me it just means that it will be far more effective cutting down on idiocy in public channels. It will make those who intentionally act like tools actually put thought into whether their edge/spam/politics is worth the risk.

I am cool with blizzards trust that we can help babysit those with no self control. This tool would have been great to have in vanilla.

I do not play MMOs to “process” the stress and adversity of idiots.

Yes you will, you and a lot of other people like yourself just won’t be visible in public chat for long.


so instead of worrying about the moral busy bodies you just become one yourself.

heh ok whatever dude or dudette.


Unlike you, I will be playing the game rather than striving to be an edgy public channel celebrity.


sure thing. since you know me oh so well.


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People can and will judge you by the things you type.

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It’s only a big deal to those who think they should be allowed to spew crap all day. Glad it is remaining.


sure they can. especially if they are moral busy bodies.

i honestly dont care what you think i am as a person. you have no clue who i am or what im about.

dont enjoy yourself too much judging other people. especially dont do it when youre not behind the computer screen.


Whoa, we got ourselves one bad dude over here.


naw . im not a bad dude. im actually out of shape and would get whooped in just about any fight.

im just saying that irl people have the threat of force when you spout nonsense especially when they feel like they are being told what to do and what to think.

im just making an observation is all.

I think we will need some band aids with all his edginess.

But seriously, we all want to enjoy the game the way it was intended. I don’t think it was/is Blizzs intent to allow people to rampantly spew garbage in chat all day, not allowing people to have actual game related chat.

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Everyone has their own bias. I think what you said is not acceptable, so should you get a squelch? Because you are speaking against Americas god given right of “freedom of speech”. Sounds very anti American actually.

Besides they already stated that streamers get special treatment in the system so they don’t get auto squelched. That’s right pleb, you are below a streamer.


Oh Curt, knock it off. You know you have no proof of that. Golly man… let it go.


Link in regards to streamer?

Also, WoW is not just in the USA. Also, “Freedom of Speech” is in regards to the government being unable to prosecute you cause you disagree with it. It does not apply to private or public companies.

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I don’t think random people should silence someone for kicks.


It doesn’t happen. However, random people shouldn’t be allowed to spew garbage just to get a rise either.

Also, were is the link backing up your conspiracy theory regarding streamer privilege?