Right Click Report - Not Going Away

I’m not saying they shouldn’t be. I’m saying that putting barriers up only perpetuates the problem; a system that gives them feedback isn’t nearly as effective as being ignored by everyone.

Don’t worry everyone, even though they’re short on GMs and don’t want to deal with loot tickets I’m sure a crack squad of GMs are on standby to carefully analyze the reason behind each report to ensure no one is abusing the system.


Hey maybe they’ll see someone get 40 reports for cheating and personally investigate each one!

Can I right-click on Right-Click Reporting and report it?

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It was added in TBC/LK, it wasnt in 1.12

Correct, it was added in May of 2007.

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I could see RCR being removed if everyone installed this one. Timed ignores, global ignores, unlimited ignore functionality, etc.

So basically you agree with what I’ve been saying the whole time…

Or perhaps, you’ve been spouting crazy that I can’t agree with, about fascists and freedom of speech.

The mechanics of the tool, I’m open to adjustment and always was.

Never said anything about fascists. Called some people authoritarian because they want people to be silenced not just to them, but to everybody else, which compromises my ability to choose who I want to see or not. If you think that’s unreasonable, then I’m not the one that’s crazy.

I’ve said this, and variants of it, which is why I said you seem to agree when you were talking about removing RCR if everyone installed that addon which does about everything that I want.

You were never able to choose that, whether it’s blizzard banning people or not you do not have full control over who you see.

Now I do think the system could be improved so that people who get squelched just get marked as squelched and their text gets suppressed in a such a way that people who want can see it. That is the best of both worlds, noone gets completely silenced but we knew who might very likely not be worth listening to.

I know. But RCR was never in vanilla either, so if we’re changing things, I’d prefer to go in the opposite direction.

I said that this was an ok compromise when it was mentioned many posts ago.

You’re not doing a good job of convincing Blizzard to remove RCR by chanting new, hip buzzwords, like Authoritarian.

What a pointless comment.

What a pointless response to my pointless comment. What I said still stands; Blizzard isn’t removing RCR, especially when your only course of action is to trot out the “this is AUTHORITARIANISM!” trope.

imagine thinking that the word Authoritarianism is some new hip buzzword.
Imagine misquoting me by saying “this is AUTHORITARIANISM”, which I never said.
I said that people who want to take away someones ability to see what other people see, rather than just ignore them is authoritarian. Which it is. What word would you prefer that I use? Please tell me so I can adjust my behaviour so that it’s more to your liking.

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This is a video game. You’re making light of the word authoritarian just like people do with the word racist.

I’m using the word for its rightful purpose. You have no argument here. If you think that using a word correctly is a problem, then I don’t know what to tell you. Real people play video games. Not fake people. The idea of stopping somebody from being heard because you don’t like what they say, is, in every sense of the word, authoritarian.

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Then every single game developer with a set of rules is an Authoritarian regime. Got it.

What a joke. I’m apparently Authoritarian because I’ll kick people out of my house for smoking inside.

I’d be fine with this. The only time I would use RCR are for those times I would have sit there and typed out a ticket report to begin with; for the really serious stuff like death threats, suicide suggestions and blatant hate speech (and no I don’t think simple opposing beliefs is “hate speech”).