Right Click Report - Not Going Away

How many subs did not having it lose them?

im sorry can you edit that it may be just me but i dont understand because of the grammar errors

O.o says the guy who lost his Shift key? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Its already been in and subs are ok’ish.

Are you just afraid of being reported because you do something in trade chat or something?

Ok i made some grammar errors but this is the internet and you can still understand it

About to test my forum trust level and see if I can link something: https://eu.battle.net/forums/en/wow/topic/5167887906

That’s all the way back to 2012. Search terms “world of warcraft false report punishment.” Sorry it’s just a reference, but my search was quick and non-exhaustive. (Also, it was pretty easy to start finding links.)

I also encountered the story of xQc in Overwatch and that ban for false reporting, with “blizzard false report punishment.”

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its not an issue to you or me but to twitch streamers it is which i dont care about.

Nice sleuthing there Krega. Your google fu is strong!!

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Probably 0, the entire period where RCR didn’t exist the sub count was climbing.

People had thicker skin back then.


Correct, the entire 2 year period that RCR report was not in Vanilla, the sub count was climbing. The sub count climbed drastically after the implementation as well.

Not that any of this is relevant to anything.

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The only “right click report” that existed in BC and WOTLK was for AFK in BG’s.

When it comes to practices that drive the playerbase away, everything is relevant.
-Cross realm interaction killing communities
-LFR/LFD causing less in-realm interaction
-RCR causing a “fear your neighbor” aspect to communicating
-Cata content being a huge difficulty spike compared to WOTLK

I’m tired of hearing “just don’t say bad things!” when what constitutes “bad things” vastly varies across the playerbase. I could get squelched indefinitely for saying anything about Trump, when it’s not even against the ToS.

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Or maybe the two are completely unrelated or perhaps had RCR been in from launch the sub count would have been even higher.

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“trolls” were a part of any given online experience, but there definitely weren’t as many back then. You didn’t have people unsubbing because they knew it was going to be like that on any platform, and usually didn’t give a damn and ignored.

Have you considered that the growth in trolls might be BECAUSE of censorship? Cracking down on “trolling” is going to always have an inverse effect; being “censored” in chat channels is the same feedback for a troll as if you replied to them. If everyone just threw that person on ignore, they’d have no idea and they’d eventually stop when nobody replied to them. Such simple concepts that are lost on people today that think they can police human interaction.

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Fair, but that was for goldseller spam. Not for “report anything I don’t like”.

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What do you think the current report options are for? Not for “anything I don’t like.”

It’s definitely not for goldseller spam, because it’s not profitable and Blizzard effectively killed it off with the WoW token.

As it stands, you can only report people for:
-Guild Name

Language is the sort of “catch-all” for “what I don’t like”. You can see the difference between that and “spam” right?

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They’re not posting any evidence, though. I can say that I’ve been squelched for literally no reason on a few different accounts I have, and none of them would be true.

Seriously, we’re believing people on the internet with no proof? What year is it?


Whose alt are you? I feel like I’ve went through this exact cycle before.

Yeah, no. Not punishing people using abusive behavior is, in itself, toxic.

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Hey, my mistake. My point remains that you can use “language” as a catch-all for whatever. That’s my original point.

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