Right Click Report - Not Going Away

You seem to think that I haven’t been playing with thousands of other people for the last 14 years and haven’t watched what people actually do in game, instead of base assumptions off of what someone else told me.

It looks and sounds like you are operating on a flawed notion that all people suck and will use the worst on you at any given moment, for any reason. I mean, if that’s what you think, then what does that say of your sense of community?

Not once have I ever felt or seen anyone be oppressed. And I’ve seen people who honestly and truthfully wanted to convert the players of Moon Guard to his Christian church (from what I hear, he’s still trying to do so). Was he ever squelched? Nope. And there’s a lot of people who had every reason not to listen. They could have easily mass-reported him, but he’s still out there.

“Live and let live” - if you’re not hurting someone, there’s no problem. That’s my community. Again, yours is the one that you imagine will abuse RCR.

I’m very sorry that you think so low of other people that giving them the power to RCR means that they’re going to gang up on anyone and everyone, but that’s just contradictory to experience.

You act as the moral guardian for people who you don’t represent. You play the victim card on behalf of a handful of people. You literally just told me that BGs are the most important thing, when communities are more important. That Rank 10-14 players are going to suffer. They’re more important than anyone else, is that what you’re saying?

You would trample on thousands of people on behalf of a small minority, right? You would let thousands of people be exposed because a handful of people in a Battleground, in PVP, might get mass-reported by an abusive pvp team?

Yeah, your best case is to call for RCR to be disabled or reduced in priority in BGs.


I think if the community was properly informed on this issue, they’d see the pros outweigh the cons. People like you have done a great deal of unnecessary fear-mongering and propagated misinformation.

The forum responses to the implementation of the right-click report system were overwhelmingly positive back in 2007. People back then knew how bad the Gold Spam was.


There’s a guy on my server named Lopenry. His entire vocabulary is two words: who cares. Sometimes he says WHO CARES.

Here’s some of his forum posts:

I saw him today, he said WHO CARES. He spams trade chat with WHO CARES. He’s still able to talk after doing this for literal YEARS.

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It’s not and will never be just “fear-mongering”. The brand has damaged itself for almost a decade with decisions like these, damaging the community and leaving blind idiots cheering when they make the same mistakes again.

I do, too. I don’t see that happening today because you can just buy gold with a WoW token. People will be doing that on Classic too.

I have been largely ignoring you, and may have this wrong… But did you just say people will buy tokens in Classic?

Like for real?

Yeah, easy. “WTT wow token for Classic gold pst”

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That’s what I thought… Tighten your tin foil hat more.

Your arguments are weak.


Yeah I’m just a “crazy conspiracy theorist” and not seen what people do given the opportunity. You can feel free to keep not replying to me, I don’t really care what an idiot has to say.

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Gold trading has always existed in WoW, and that’s not going to stop.

Trading gold on a PVE server for gold on a PVP server has been something that has happened since Vanilla. Now it’s going to be trading gold on Retail for gold on Classic.

And totally in keeping with the point of the discussion. Politics have no business in the Chat of an online RPG, and while I was on an RP server first time around, we didn’t have it in Vanilla either. Occasionally someone would mention Iraq, and everyone would actively shout them down not for their view, but for raising politics.

Since the modern playerbase refuses to actually do this, we get RCR.


I hope like hell there’s an RP server in oceania you can play on, is it even in the EULA that you can’t talk about politics? you just sound like an authoritarian wingnut when you say things like that. Your mate even wants to report people for making chuck norris jokes. A man that blizzard HIRED to advertise for them because people talked about him so damn much in their public chat channels.
I have an idea for you. Buy a bigger monitor so you’re less likely to look at the tiny window on the bottom left hand corner of your screen and can actually focus on playing the game.

heh even if its not widely abused i will not apologize for bringing up something with the potential of abuse. 1 innocent person is too much for being punished for something they diddnt do.

yes, it does matter.

Yet oddly you seem to ignore how frequently unregulated chat was abused.

Uh, who? When did I ever say anything about Chuck Norris jokes. We had them in Vanilla and we’ll have them again, along with Kindly Keanu jokes.

Don’t conflate your own insecurities about being squelched because people are sick of hearing your political nonsense, with jokes and fun. Because your politics are the opposite of jokes and humour, they’re depressing.

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The emoting rogue I stopped talking to… He’s on your side of the debate.

My politics are that I like free speech and want to give people the option to decide what speech they see, rather than you deciding for me. HOW DEPRESSING.

i actually dont ignore it. i just know that it got sorted out by /ignoring the person. eventually everyone had the person on ignore and they couldnt chat with anyone.

personally though? i only ignored like 2 people in vanilla and they both wanted me to bai grold.

You’re not denying you are domineering and intolerant. I applaud you for owning it at least. I sincerely mean that. Most others would have tried to spin it.

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You cannot be banned from RCR unless a GM applies the penalty.

Nice. It’s funny, harmless, and doesn’t block out Trade chat unless you do it constantly. It’s almost as though people know what to report and what not to. Maybe Lopenry should get an NPC somewhere.

“I’m here upon hearing of troubles in your fair town.”


The first quest in his chain could be to dig up a Round Tuit.

Basically RCR is needed, so that the community can give people a chat time-out.

If we could instead give them a spanking that actually worked, I’d be all for the Right-Click-To-Reach-Through-The-Screen-And-Slap-You (RCTRTTSASY) system.