Right Click Report - Not Going Away

if you dont like it or layering then dont play.

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It’s been a problem in retail, it definitely will be in Classic. Will you be making apologies for supporting game-ruining decisions?

Famous words that have been spoken throughout the spiral to WoW’s irrelevancy.


Not really, aside from a streamer going out of his way to get silenced it seems to work fine in retail.


Yeah works like a charm. Nobody talks to each other and RGB’ers use it to farm free wins. Hard pass on it.


I don’t underestimate such a system. You grossly overestimate how much your typical WoW player will care about you enough for them to go out of their way to mass-report you.

I’ve got a community that really doesn’t care all that much to go around mass-reporting people they disagree with. If yours is the community that would be so petty to go around mass-reporting willy -nilly, I guess that’s why you’re so afraid of them having such power.


How do you see the community?

My community? “Live and let live.”

Yours? “I want to see the world burn!”

Can you advertise your guild without other guilds mass reporting you? Yes. The idea that you can’t is probably the single most paranoid thing you have said.

Oh yes, hours and days after such occurrences. No, I never once said it was the “Wild West.” I said the old system was slow, inefficient, and ineffective. When you have hundreds of trolls, spammers, creeps, etc. It was days before anyone even looked at the ticket.

As for everything else, like “n-word” usage? I think you’re talking about someone else.

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  • Saves Blizzard tons of money they would have to spend on staff
  • Scares Right wing n*zi’s and racists from speaking in game

Yep RCR is pretty based

Is RCR what is going to stop you from playing? If it is, then WoW is irrelevant to you, and Blizzard honestly isn’t putting themselves in a position to cry over losing you. If you play, while RCR is still in the game, then all of your words against RCR are for naught.

“We don’t care if ten thousand people play, or ten.”

It could severely diminish the experience and cause me to lose interest, yeah. Just like every other decision they’ve made since around 2010, it diminishes the value of the community.

Did people stop talking to each other because they just stopped caring? Or did they stop talking because there wasn’t a reason to, and you were sometimes unjustly punished for it?

How is “report your neighbor” live and let live? You seem to think oppressing people’s freedom of expression is liberating.

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Define game ruining. If you mean game ruining for the one or two over eccentric trolls that get silenced multiple times for breaking Blizzards rules, then no. If it becomes this huge issue impacting the majority like a few of you think it will be, then yes.

Blizzard’s top earning game.


A rival guild squelching another for advertising in trade chat.
A rival guild squelching you when you’re advertising for a group.
Locking someone’s account when they’re on a R14 grind.
Locking someone’s account on/before raid night.

That’s what I consider “game ruining”.

Being at the top of a pile of sht is still being in a pile of sht. You’re talking about ~14 million subs vs. (likely) less than 1 million.


Way to prove you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about.

Do you have BfA’s actual numbers? Oh, right, they stopped publishing them because they were so bad that it was ruining the brand’s image.

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There’s ways you can get a rough estimate of the sub count by using the API to parse armory account achievement data and then cross referencing it with guild progression data from wowprogress. It’s more accurate to do it at the start of a raid; in three weeks I’ll give you a better estimate of the sub count than your “LOL WOW DEAD CUZ I SAID SO 1 MILL SUBS” claim.

Also, there’s roughly 30% fewer guilds clearing current Heroic raids than there was during WoD when the sub count was announced to be at 5.6 million. There was nothing to do in WoD but raid and the current Heroic raids are harder than WoD raids. I doubt a higher percentage of the playerbase is clearing Heroic raids now than in WoD.

“30% worse than WoD” Is a pretty good tagline for retail. I’ll use that from now on.

Facts > Feelings.

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If your primary interest in WoW is trolling chat channels the community is frankly better off without you.

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Want me to edit my post from “1mil” to “less than 4mil” big boy?

You can do whatever you want. I’m sure you’ll find some other misinformation to spread.

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If I wanted to do that I’d say something like “The community wants RCR”.

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