Right Click Report - Not Going Away

That support for low-key violent repercussions for saying the wrong thing is what makes me despise people like you. On top of that, you continually think you’re the entire community. It’s obvious from the pushback that you’re not, but you still think you are.
And again, you’re making my argument for me. I don’t need my “community” to timeout people I don’t necessarily want to be timed out. Use ignore.

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RCR is Much needed moderation and TBH anyone thinking is censorship is exactly why it needs to be moderated, having had Many N words said to me more than I care to count, is used against me in scenarios of hatred, jealousy and the need to feel superior with the safety net of anonymity.

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Use ignore.

Maybe you enjoy the racial slurs, but Blizzard has set thresholds where “enough people are offended by your actions” = temporary timeout.

If you want freedom of speech, make your own video game.

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That doesn’t stop me from seeing their junk in the first place.

Don’t change the goal posts, You said specifically that you would RCR people for talking about politics.

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Neither does RCR

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Nope, but it gived people a reason not to troll in the first place :slight_smile:

Ignore does not do that.

If you ignore, you only see it once. If you RCR, you only see it once. Seriously, if you need to be in a position where you never see it at all, then that’s a bit too fragile and authoritarian.

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That’s me, not what RCR is for. I also said that in Retail despite all that nonsense constantly going on, I have never used the report function myself.

Free Speech has been designed to give you the right to express yourself, but does not defend you from the consequences, moderation being one of them.

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So you’re saying on one hand you will report people for politics, and on the other hand that it’s not what it is for, and you’ve never done it. Huh?

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But RCR gives people a motivation for me not to see it in the first place :slight_smile:

It also let’s the offender know not to say whatever they said again and as such also protects others from their junk, neither of which ignore does.

My problem is that the consequences punish people who don’t care. If you care to not see what someone says, you can ignore them. It’s that simple.

Plus RCR is temporary, ignore is permanent.

If I just want someone to go away while they’re ranting, RCR would work. If I /ignore, I either have to make a note to remove it, or they’re ignored forever.

The whole point is that not everybody needs to be “protected” from what other people think is “junk”. You want to remove the ability for people to decide for themselves what they want to see or not. That’s a punishment imposed on me that I don’t particularly care for.

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Don’t get me wrong I would be cool with RCR being reduced to just masking the chat of anyone who has been ignored so we have to explicitly see it.

That seems relatively fair. If you spam or troll a lot and get RCR’d most people just see something like <this person is a troll do you want to see their text?>

Make an ignore function that has timers or permanent options. Problem solved.

If you get reported enough that you get squelched it means the community in general does not want to hear whatever you had to say.

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They did. It’s called RCR.

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