Right Click Report - Not Going Away

The problem is that the question is a weighted one. Do you step into Times Square during rush hour, and expect everyone to listen to what you have to say? Of course not. Do you expect anyone to even hear you over the hustle and bustle of the city unless you’re standing on a corner in your underwear playing guitar? Of course not.

(Side note: does the Naked Cowboy still perform? I remember seeing him back when I used to watch MTV, and they showed him on TRL a few times…)

The problem with the question is that it presupposes that the majority of people are in some way inconvenienced by not being able to hear what you personally want to talk about, at the time you want to talk about it. Especially when there are plenty of other, equally viable avenues to explore to talk to someone, other than sitting in town and reading trade chat.

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Yep and in the case of WoW you are being told the conditions you are allowed to be on what is blizzard’s property when it comes to what you say in chat channels.

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Right exactly - now you’re back on point.

And what Wastedlife was saying, is this decision by Bliz likely reflects the desire of the minority of their customers.

What makes you think that? It seems more like it’s the minority of customers who want to troll public chat channels who are upset.

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I would agree. But again, not mutually exclusive.

It can exist at the same time. A minority of bigot trolls. And a minority of silencers.

The majority are people wanting to let loose, play wow, get loot, and make friends.

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and be undisturbed by botters and Gold seller spam, which was the primary reason for the implementation of this system in 2007!

Wooo, good thing it’s sticking around so the Gold selling business doesn’t go full steam ahead.

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Yeah, I do hate gold selling spam.

Is that all this conversation is about?

Well it is one of the major things that gets removed with RCR.

The problem being that it isn’t all that gets removed with RCR. Because, unlike a GM ticket, it has automatic penalties determined by an algorithm, which leaves it open to abuse.


The thing is, this isn’t an “either or” vote, its a “Are enough people giving us feedback that this person is a problem”. And if enough people are the system takes action.

They don’t need a majority of people to weigh in. Firstly because a majority of people may not have seen it, nor are they trying to obtain political viewpoints for discussion by the majority.

If you piss off enough people, Blizzard will put you in a time-out. Can it be abused? Yes. Does Blizzard have to take some sort of action in the modern climate… yes.

Personally, I think I might end up RCR’ing everyone who talks politics at all, but for that I’m going to have to choose an RP server where that stuff is explicitly disallowed.

“But they’re censoring your political views!” Good! Because I don’t play online video games to be informed on the latest excessive force by the current and past US governments.


See, this whole argument right here in this thread is why people in game don’t really care and why people are overthinking RCR in regards to every day speech.

We’ve had similar discussions for years in trade, and in my opinion, there’s very little reason for people to care, because they’re playing the game. People don’t really care about politics in a video game, and those who keep pushing it in Trade are usually just written off as trolls.

We’ve had RCR for years in Retail, before WoD, before and only now, Classic is where RCR is going to dramatically affect the game! Your best arguments are over RCR causing people to DC in a BG.

That’s domineering and intolerant.

You can /leave world chat, or ignore the people talking about things you’re not interested in.

Gross intolerance is a thing of the past, and should be left there.



Because server communities were already destroyed by the time RCR was implemented. You vastly underestimate a system where a select few can have control over the voices of many, when you see the same people on a daily basis. Can I advertise my guild in trade chat without other guilds mass reporting me? Guess we’ll wait and find out.

“YoU jUsT waNnA saY tje N woRd” - No, I just want to have the peace of mind to speak freely in a game that’s BASED around social interaction and not have a few easily upset people have control over that.

People have and were banned for ToS violations in trade chat, party interaction, etc. in Vanilla WoW. Your idea that it was just the wild west is vastly inaccurate.


but you dont have to remove rcr entirely.

just remove the auto squelch portion on everything but a new option added to it for “gold selling” or some garbage.

the only thing that would have to be done different is , people knowing the auto squelch for gold selling would still be auto squelch and would falsely report, so just punish them strictly and it would be fine .

no need for any full removal of rcr cause thats how they have implemented their whole cs structure and would be unreasonable to ask them to remove fully and start from scratch.

just remove the auto squelch on all but the new report option of “gold selling” and it will be fine.

Everything is already fine. Blizzard thinks so, many of its customers think so.

ahh the “many customers think so” thing. well i can say “many customers” agree with me.

and everything is not fine.


Many players have had no issue with it for the past 12 years. I think we would have heard differently if your lot was the majority.

Everything is indeed fine.

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honestly i dont have time to go into it with you. i know this will be a problem. i guess we will have to wait and see when the reports come piling in how much of a problem it will be and by then it will be too late.

make sure you keep telling other people how to think and feel and act. its quite an attractive trait .


Will you make the thread to consolidate all the apologies when it turns out that this system is NOT a problem in the slightest?

Who am I kidding, none of you will apologize for over dramatizing this.