Right Click Report - Not Going Away

Which IS a very good point and one I would argue for heavy reprimands to those who abuse the system in this fashion.

Of course, that would then drive more people out of the bushes screaming that things are unfair.

But I do hope that this becomes a reality. Mass ban a group that abuses it and news will get around.


What he’s saying sounds like something out of North Korea, not a game made out of Irvine California that you pay $15/month to play.

It must be hard to sit on the sidelines spamming emotes and thinking you’re above it all. You’re easily the worst poster here.

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Freedom of speech protects your right to have any opinion you want and express it in some ways, it does not however protect your right to say whatever you want wherever you want whenever you want and however you want.

Particularly in a private setting like blizzard, and you’re right I do pay my 15$ a month part of that fee goes to not having to listen to random drivel :slight_smile:



I feel dirty enough being in agreement with galdor and zyrius, now you are calling me a bad poster. :crying_cat_face:

And now the thread resorts to name-calling and no real substance.

They are not interested in discussion


I completely agree, it’s Blizzard’s game and they have the right to do whatever they want with it. I just think it’s bizarre that people opt-in to a social environment and want that experience so policed that it sounds like a dictator’s wet dream.

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Just calling out someone that doesn’t participate in actual discussion.

No we just don’t want an environment that sounds like a bunch of ADHD kindergartners off their meds.


Yes it does, it means exactly that.

The consequences are they might get bashed in the face if they cross a line.

A pedestrian has the right of way with respect to a car. Doesn’t mean they want to go around proving it by jaywalking every intersection.


The game itself is usually a deterrant to people like that. I’ll admit the community has changed a lot since 2004.

Yes… go test that theory, maybe try yelling fire in a public place where there is no fire.

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Well, here in Georgia, the law says something a little different, actually.

So, no, pedestrian does not always have right of way.

You understood my point Melaneth, and the context.

yep and you are simply wrong. Especially in what is essentially a private setting like WoW. If someone came into your home and started babbling about some random garbage you would be entirely within your rights to tell them to leave freedom of speech not with standing.

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Yes, but in this case the context is that you were factually wrong.

Freedom of Speech means the government can’t arrest you for things you say, unless you are directly inciting panic or violence (i.e. shouting “OH GOD, HE’S GOT A GUN!” in a crowded room). That is the sum total of what the First Amendment covers regarding speech.

Other laws, however, establish grounds for civil action if you spout off at the mouth. Slander, Libel, Defamation of Character, etc. All of these have laws restricting them, and are resolved in the civil court system, rather than the judicial system.

None of that would apply to game forums, or in-game chat channels, however, because those aren’t run by the government. Freedom of speech does not apply to what you say inside Blizzard products, because Blizzard is a private corporation, running communications through their private platform. They can restrict access to that platform as they see fit, and the law has no effect, provided they are not actively discriminating against protected classes (charging black people $20 a month instead of $15, for instance).

So anyone talking about Freedom of Speech in regards to forums or chat channels is demonstrably and factually wrong.


I can get behind this statement!


The funny thing is that when posed the question as to why they do not simply create their own channels for the nonsense, where they are free to say whatever they wish, they skip right over it.

Apparently it is easier for them to inconvenience the viewers of an entire public channel rather than just create their own.

You’re not worried about someone shouting fire in theater.

You’re worried about someone saying MAGA in The Barrens chat (which shouldn’t be an issue b/c you can ignore them).

True racist bigots are far and few between nowadays. I know of none irl. And I think I’ve only seen a couple in WoW.

The silencers are the hostile and aggressive ones nowadays. Under the guise of being warmhearted people.

But this hyper PC culture is withering away.

People don’t like to walk on eggshells.


No, not wrong. Free speech and property rights are not mutually exclusive.

Free speech means exactly that.

Property rights include the right to tell people to not come on your property, for whatever reason whatsoever.