In a guide? Guild, I think you mean?
There’s a difference in a small guild doing this and someone with hundreds of options (maybe thousands, depending).
In a guide? Guild, I think you mean?
There’s a difference in a small guild doing this and someone with hundreds of options (maybe thousands, depending).
Auto correct. It corrects you when you don’t wang to be and doesn’t correct you when you want to be. And no. There is no difference between a small guild and a legion exploiting something. Exploiting is exploiting. Get your jealousy of streamers out of here.
If a certain group has more utility or capability of using something over another group, you would point that out.
Your equivocal statement is saying, “Don’t point out these guys capable abusing it as many times as there are layers and as much as they want, no. It’s this group of people who had to have interacted with someone from another layer in order to invite them to a guild in the first place, limiting that factor to some degree.”
Excellent post on how to defend the Vanilla experience from right click reporting, layering, streamers and the perpetually offended (a pox on all of them).
The funny thing about these people supporting layering because they don’t want merging is that even with layering we’re still getting merges if(I’ll believe that layering will be removed after they actually do it) they remove it since, wait for it, all those dozens of layers will be merged into one!
Beauty and the Layer
Harry Layer and the Chamber of Layers
Lord of the Layers
Layer Wars
A Layer of their Own
The few weeks thing is speculation at best.
They said as long as needed. Depending on how they set things up… If they screw up it very well could be months and months
Would of…
Would have maybe. Certainly would not of done anything.
And that’s nonsense
As long as needed means: “However we can spend the least while making your game experience just tolerable enough to not make you quit.”
Complains that no one will know each other after layering is out of the game, and then proposes an idea that will lead to no one knowing each other as an alternative. Like how stupid can you get.
As one person said, you know as well as I do, they’re gonna do it anyway.
Furthermore, you ignored the point and took things out of context. Anyone can do that.
They were questioning what to do in case of dead servers.
There’s a difference in smaller servers being fused together and you being, suddenly, stuck with over 22,500 people who you don’t know when all the layers end and collide. One case is more abrupt and overwhelming and the competition for resources’ll become something crazier than you’ve ever imagined.
Let’s make it a little more personal. Those 22,500 people - you’re competing with them for names, gearing rat races, PVP ranks, and so forth. And you’re not interacting with them on a regular basis. They’re there, but they’re ghosts that you’re racing against and competing against.
I don’t know how you could expect this - and by extension, your post - to be taken seriously
Read more of the thread. I explain how it benefits them, almost exclusively. But, hey, you know. You’ve read one phrase. You know absolutely everything about why my reasoning as it is. Seems legitimate.
Lol, first of all it’s not out of context, because server layering exists primarily for the same reason that a server merger would happen in the first place.
Secondly, no I don’t expect that, because I’m not stupid enough to think any server is going to have 22k players on it. You’re going to see a mass exodus of players who have no intention of ever wanting to play Classic beyond the first 10 levels. Tourists will come and go so quickly that most servers won’t require layering past the first month, except for maybe streamer servers.
Also, it benefits more than just streamers, as others have pointed out, but you’re way too dense to comprehend any opinion other than your own.
Some one here diggs conspiracy theories.
Pro tip, just stop this troll thread.
You are a troll and don’t tell me otherwise I can’t believe u are that stupid.
Realm pop… illidan? Ehm… pardon me? Queues to get in the servers on expac days?
Uh-huh… quite stupid to think a server might be popular and people will congregate there for more people…
And, no, I pointed it out as such:
In a guide? Guild, I think you mean?
There’s a difference in a small guild doing this and someone with hundreds of options (maybe thousands, depending).
If a certain group has more utility or capability of using something over another group, you would point that out.
Your equivocal statement is saying, “Don’t point out these guys capable abusing it as many times as there are layers and as much as they want, no. It’s this group of people who had to have interacted with someone from another layer in order to invite them to a guild in the first place, limiting that factor to some degree.”
Did I break your code or something? Because you just made no sense whatsoever. Maybe you really are just a tad on the slow side, huh?
Nowhere did I say you couldn’t criticize layering or how it works in the beta. It’s buggy as hell. Point it out all you want.
However, saying that layering was created for and exists solely for the benefits of streamers is so mind-boggling stupid. It honestly might be one of the dumbest things I’ve ever read on these forums.
Right, so, you said it benefits more than just streamers.
The person right before you got shut down and said guilds would abuse it. So, ah, just a question. Why would guilds in Classic, you know, community-based. Be inviting people they’ve not played with, have to phase with to play with, etc.?
Now, you are the exact type of person who kept saying, “It’s beta, it’s beta,” for Battle for Azeroth. How many of those mess-ups went to live even though they were known for almost a year? Now, we’re a month away from Classic and there are over SEVENTEEN THOUSAND bugs that were discovered just from the 1-40 bracket. But, you know what? It’s just beta. Blizzard -always- fixes those problems nowadays, right? You know, not even fixing basic animations… like a warrior’s charge.
All layering benefits go to streamers. The -only- benefits a regular player gets out of it is they aren’t in a horde of 25k people.
A streamer gets the following benefits:
Free movement between layers to avoid: Ganks, crowded areas, stream snipers, farming competition for mobs, node exclusivity, and so on.
A streamer gets: Rares (almost on demand), transfers to an area with a population (however low or high they want), and every single thing that can net them views.
New titles for certain streamers’ videos in Classic: “OMG, I KILLED THE RAREST RARE IN THE GAME,” without showing how they phased through 8-9 layers to find it, avoiding respawn timers and all of that. Do you remember something called the Nightmare Dragons?
U should know there is already an added timer for layer hopping.