Right-Click Report, Layering, Oh My!

So, let me state my position that’s been heard a thousand times. Not for them, don’t like them, community should police itself, layering was added so streamers can escape stream snipers, etc. That’s my position, I’m sticking to it.

Now, there are certain reasons I am not too bothered by this. Let me list them out.

  1. The perpetually offended likely will not make it past level 30 without their hands being held. Let’s say even 40.

My solution: Mostly going to hang out in level 59-60 zones and make them my hub and hang-out with my friends. Can’t be reported if they can’t reach the content you’re at, nor would they have the patience after numerous deaths and class design that’s more than 3 buttons.

  1. Layering - it’s stated to be lessened in other zones. As said before, I believe it’s for the streamers.

My solution: Don’t get on any servers where streamers are. After a certain point in some zones, layering is supposed to be over with. Not interested in playing with various ghouls and people who bring a mass combat of people who would likely drown in their own cereal without their safety helmets.

In short, guys. If you don’t want to deal with the aforementioned people, just level up, unanimously decide a high-level area as a hub, and if one or two start showing their head, exclude them from the community in general and set them on ignore. The best way to deal with certain types is to not allow a foot-hold in the community (give them an inch and they take a mile) and to exclude them completely.





Who benefits more from layering? People trying to PVP or streamers escaping stream sniping? People trying to hunt rares or streamers wanting to get pulled to areas with rares, chests, etc.?

Believe it or not, most players don’t have legions of people willing to invite them to other areas to just give them things. People with mass amounts of invites are really the only ones who can benefit from layering.


The logic of this post is so idiotic: it’s almost not laughable. (ALMOST as I did)


How so?

Who benefits from layering? I certainly don’t. If, day one, I start and I’m in an empty layer, I’m just cruising through quests and getting ahead of the curve.

If I were streaming, who would pay to watch me get mass-ganked for five hours? Face it, layering is just a way to escape, get ahead in some ways, etc. It’s not Classic in any way. Who benefits the most from it? “Hey, guys, this place is too full, can someone give me an invite to an emptier place?”

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Blizzard in in the short term and everyone getting cucked because they rolled on a popular server, only for a month in, only 1% of the pop remains on that server.

So your logic is: “If I don’t benefit from it: no one does except for those 1%ers”

Phase 2 is when it, supposedly, ends.

Face it, where the streamers go, they have the most benefit to this system.

And I think you’re misrepresenting my stance.

It’s not that I don’t benefit or may not benefit from it. It’s that it’s an always-available option for them. Have you not seen all of the streamers abusing layers on their own Twitch streams? They’ve escaped ganks, used it to find rare monsters, etc.

If I could do that at will, don’t you think I would? That Tidal Charm!

As it stands. For people with mass fan-bases like that, Layering isn’t the game randomly assigning you to a place, it’s a mechanic they can utilize, almost, at will. The second a server setting becomes a mechanic, full-stop, it needs to be rectified.


And your point is…?

Read above. Streamers have the option to turn layering from a server system to a utilized mechanic. If I could put out a post and say, “Hey. Anyone in a layer where this rare is, toss me an invite,” and I phase over to it? And rinse and repeat until I get what I want? You bet your bottom biscuit, I would.

Or, let’s say I had a bout of insanity enough to play on a PVP server and had enough left to say, “Hey, guys. I’m getting ganked. Someone invite me so I can get away.”


Honestly, neither layering nor right click reporting will affect my gameplay experience at all. I just simply don’t think about these things until you mention them . Why do people give a frak so much about ‘layering’? I hope there is layering so my starting experience wont be so horrible. Its like people hate new technology. I understand wanting the authentic wow experience, but i’m not so sure the people vying for this even know what its gonna be like to play the game. In levelling you wont, and shouldn’t , give a hell of a fu$ about such things. They are non issues and should be left up to Blizzard. It’s their game. If it was me, i’d alienate the whole community by telling them to go f$$#mselves. That’s why i’m not in customer relations I suppose. Eat it. The whole game. If you don’t like it, please, please go play something else.


I’m sorry. Were you advertised to as, “Azeroth as it was?” I mean, their description for Classic does say that.

I certainly was. Now, they’ve added things that can be abused and manipulated. So, it’s up to anyone playing to find solutions to mitigate the damage that can be caused by it.


That rare would be tagged way before you got there. And layering helps all the people who would otherwise be on dead servers after a few months. So almost everyone. Benefit is not the same as exploit.

I don’t know why I’m posting on a thread this incoherent and silly.

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Incorrect. Once more, with layering, you can be on a near-empty layer. Not everyone knows where those rares spawn.

That would be a benefit, as it’s RNG.

Exploiting is when you can say, “Hey, anyone who sees it or anything like that, invite me,” and you can freely move around through an implemented system to get what you, otherwise, shouldn’t be able to.

Rares were rares in Classic. With layering, there’re as many as there are layers during an explosive population. That many more shots for it.

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Actually no. Near-empty layers existed on beta because beta was near empty. You will find all layers have server sized pops in live.

So, ah, you’re trying to tell me you know how it’s going to be when we don’t know? I didn’t know you could see the future. Face it, layering can be exploited by anyone who has a fan base. And, if you’re invited to a group in a mid-fight, I’m quite sure you can get credit for it (the rare). Nothing stops you from tagging something, inviting your friend from another layer, and resetting, if that’s the case (tags).

I mean, I remember many people saying, “It’s just the beta,” for a certain retail version and many of those problems went to live. Like, I don’t know, a certain SEVENTEEN THOUSAND bugs (actual number) that have been discovered during the Classic Beta one month before release?

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Sounds like you are LUL


It can be exploited by anyone that is in a guild.

well since the Earth is flat and we are in a giant snow globe surrounded by ice walls and the Sun and the Moon are both just giant lights or something

I don’t need to see the future. Understanding how layering works and its purpose is enough. Also, I don’t actually care if streamers, or anyone else layer hops to farm or tag mobs. It seems like more bother than it’s worth to me, and there is an ICD for layer hopping, but go for it until layering ends.

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I honestly have no idea what this thread is about.

Would anyone like a cookie?