Right-Click Report, Layering, Oh My!

This thread gave me brain damage. :persevere:


Layers filled with people you’ll never see again since the next time you group or login, or they group or logoff you’re now on separate layers. Such a great way to build communities. It’s disgusting that they’re adding it to Classic.


If I remember correctly: Esfand said that you have a “Default Layer” that is assigned to your character. So when ever you log off and log back in, you go back to that layer. It’s not like sharding where it’s 50 layers of onions per zone. Layering is like 10 layers of onions per server.

That’s… even worse.

So, instead of building server communities, when layering is gone by the time all these people are 60s, suddenly, when it’s gone - we’re stuck with people we don’t know anymore?



… Are you not putting together what you, yourself, just said?

If we’re all separated into separate layers - keep this in mind, you said default layer. Where we won’t be interacting with these other layers - won’t be making friends in them, etc.

Now, in Phase 2 - layering is gone.

In Phase 1, in your layer, you’re going to have to have made many friends in your layer, people you want to run with, etc.

In Phase 2, layering ends. Suddenly, you have a bunch of people who you do not know, never played with, don’t recall ever seeing, and, now, the community is divided. It’s just going to result in massive cliques.


How does


Go together?

You have to be trolling to not connect those statements in any logical fashion, but, I’ll humor you.

10 Layers, let’s go with your’s. Population cap in Classic was 2.5k players/server.

You’re in layer one with 2,500 other players. \o Hi, there, people I’ve been leveling with and experiencing the game with for a long time.

Phase 2.

Everyone’s together. You and your 2,499 other players are now meeting 22,500 other people (maybe more).

Hi, almost ten times the people I’ve played with and have never seen, talked to, nor gotten to know, nor have the connections, nor desire to group with because I haven’t grouped or played with you and I’m in my own little clique.


You have to be trolling to think layering is made for streamers lol

Only they truly benefit from it. We really don’t.

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Yes we do. We truly benefit for its true purpose.

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Do you remember the Ragnaros server? Or are you not familiar with that situation?

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Coalfury is right. The streamers are “Blizzard Influencers” and layering benefits them the most. 100%.

The ones making fun of him in this thread will eat up anything Blizzard puts in front of them without seeing the plain truth. It’s wildly pathetic.

“B-b-but it’s just the DEMO!”
“B-b-but it’s only a BETA!”
“B-b-but it’s just RELEASED!”
“B-b-but they’ll PATCH IT!”

We’ve seen this before with BFA, these players will never learn.

Sad times we’re in.


And you will eat up anything that is “It isn’t 100% vanilla”

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…you are one of those special kind of people aren’t you. The type that likes the glue paste.

They are removing layering within a few weeks of launch after the initial spike.

Those people you are talking about. You’ll see them…literally every day. Oh…and guess what. You can add them to your friends list to group up with them in the meantime.

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Classic is where I learned to be cut-throat and take monsters with blatant disregard of my surroundings. It fueled competitiveness when the servers were loaded down. Made me want to be faster than the other person, compete with the other person.

And, yes, we WILL eat up anything that is anti-“100% vanilla”

I’m going to link you something here. Just… tossing this out here. Tell me who’s lying.

World of Warcraft Classic is a faithful recreation of the original World of Warcraft—it runs a bit smoother on today’s computers, but the game still looks and feels like you’re playing World of Warcraft from 2006. Combat mechanics, original character models and skill trees all contribute to a truly authentic experience, as do your interactions with other players. Your reliance on others to take on the world was at the heart of the original WoW and is at the heart of World of Warcraft Classic.

1. Experience the game as it was before the release of any of its expansion sets, and journey back to its beginnings.

So, uhm. How am I experiencing what is being advertised?


Can we all just agree the op…is …special.

And leave it at that.

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Blizzard expects HUGE numbers of players at launch, many of whom will not stick around long and play regularly. So, how would YOU handle the situation?

Open enough servers to handle the launch crowd only to have dead, low pop servers a few months into Classic?
Only open enough servers to handle your expected post launch population and let hundreds of thousands of people sit in hours or days long queues during launch?
Layering, which solves both issues?
Instead of all this whining, turn your brains on and propose a solution. In other words, put up or shut up.

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Ready for a solution? They did it before!

Waves fingers.


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Rag isn’t a server. It’s a joke no one takes seriously.