Right click report function being blatantly abused

What do you want them to do? Remove the automatic squelch function? You do realize the entire purpose of that is to stop Gold Seller spam, right? You remove that squelch, you invite legions of Gold Sellers to spam chat channels just like it was in Vanilla.

You know why you don’t see the Gold Spam? That automatic squelch that mutes them until a GM gets around to banning them.

I want players to stop abusing the system in order to grief people. The system doesn’t need to change, people need to stop using it in an unintended manner.


I used to think public chat channels was the only way to communicate with other players, but it’s really not. Ever since I came to an RP server, I’ve not needed to really use the public chat channels. There’s so many players out there, that don’t even engage with the public chat channels.


Anyways, I gotta go and this is going nowhere. I will weep for the two players abused by this system every day.



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So it would not have a big effect on you. That’s great for you. But it could have a massive effect on someone else. Sure, that person could jump through hoops to circumvent it…but the point is they shouldn’t HAVE to when another group of people decides to target them.

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And you shouldn’t “have” to feel the need to have to engage in public chat channels. It’s not the end of the world.

But you’re having that privilege taken away from you, even temporarily…because another group of people decided to grief you. It may be minor, but it is still not okay.

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Sad, really. Resorting to personal attacks.

Also, you say batching negatively affects everyone, but only a very small minority is complaining about it. You know? Like you say a few loud #NoChangers somehow got Blizz to implement a Vanilla feature into Classic.



That’s the keyword “temporarily”. You don’t need the “privilege” 24/7. You’ll be OK. You’ll survive. Good time to take a break, from the game, anyway. Afterall, it is just a game.

The first post I made is poorly worded. But you can tell my problem is with people abusing the system. When it is working correctly I don’t have a problem with it.

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Is it okay for another group of players to dictate when you have your talking privileges revoked?

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just like more than 1% of the people who repeatedly safespotted in gadgetzan, everlook, and light’s hope chapel got punished?
oh wait, they didn’t

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People already get punished when they abuse the system.

There’s stream footage of it. Asmongold once got everyone to report someone to test it out; the person mass reported was squelched. A GM investigated it, undid the squelch, and silenced Asmongold for instigating it.

I don’t know what else you want. In the rare case where someone is falsely squelched by mass reports, GMs look into it; almost always, the squelch is removed and the people who abused the system get punished.

Most of the time, though, the person who got mass reported deserved it.

If they deserved it, I have no problems with it. But the punishment for abuse does not seem high enough to be a deterrent.

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It’s not like Blizz broadcasts that they banned Person X, Y and Z. Seeing, as that’s more of a problem on a PvP Server than a PvE one…

Speaking to a GM, he’s trying to justify why I shouldn’t run to Blizzard after I get falsely banned with proof of the ban system being abused against me. Compared to the GM that wasn’t ignorant yesterday, absolutely hilarious. And the people that’re falsely reporting me, are mad their best DPS’s left the guild after an insane amount of sexual harassment + racism.

Unbelievably questionable, he took me calling the guild “bad” as a reason for them to want to mass report me. He legitimately tried to justify an entire guild mass reporting. I emailed the transcript too LMAO.

I got unbanned again, but that was an actual disgusting thing to say especially when they’re sexually harassing someone etc. And the only thing I even said was how bad they are, and yeah they are absolutely terrible at the game. You’re allowed to say that, and it doesn’t make mass reporting right.

"Ankunine at 16:17, Apr 9:

I’m not saying it’s against the TOS. I’m telling your going to pick fights with an entire guild, they do not have to take that form you either. You both need to stop interacting with eachother."

Absolute worst GM I have ever encountered in the 6 years that I’ve played this game and he absolutely needs to be fired ASAP. He tried to justify it in other things too, and literally told me to “Don’t come running to us when you pick fights.” LMFAO, I HAVE TO? I GOT BANNED FOR 2 MONTHS.

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No you can squelch anyone with mass reports. No strikes needed.

It’s how we kick lotus campers. Mass report them in game till they DC. Easy.

Yep, its really kringey that you can even do that. Does it make you a scumbag? Yes. Is it your fault that you can abuse it? No.

Now let’s compare that to right click report:

Oh hey, virtually no complaints about it since Classic released because it’s not a huge issue. Like I said, spell batching affects every single player in the game in a negative way.

Every single time you go to sell things to a vendor, accept quests; fight mobs, interrupt; try to Vanish and get taken out by auto attacks, Elemental Mastery combos with double crits; every single one of these complaints you see, that all ties back in to spell batching.