Ride the Tides into the July Trading Post

Dang, what a bad time to be low on Tender!

Slow pot boiling to eventually try to sell tender?

Meh, guess im saving my tendies.

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I hate to be that person, but this one is directly to the decision makers over the trading post, stop giving us trading post rewards that have no real use nor are they really wanted, a reward should be worth working toward and when I don’t want the reward give me one good reason why I should even waste my time or effort. Stop giving us crap rewards and give us something worth working toward. The copper diving suit ensemble would be a far better reward than some stupid pet that nobody is ever going to use. The only people that use battle pets at all are people that enjoy a cheap pokemon ripoff and there’s not many who play WoW that even waste their effort on them. Give us something worthwhile as a trading post reward in the future, Blizz, because you’re wasting my time and yours with this crap reward.

I don’t want the diving suit i want the pet.


For reals, the only thing I want this next month is the pet.


Any reason you guys don’t actually picture everything offered like you used to?


I’ve completed the July 2024 Trading Post tasks and got my baby Naga battle pet! Really happy to have them as the reward as they were at among the items at the top of my most wanted list when I first saw them on Wowhead. :trident::mermaid:

:snowman_with_snow: I ended up freezing the behemoth mount for now while holding off on any purchases this month. While I’m still thinking about it, I was thinking I would save all my tenders and see what next month’s Trading Post items will be.

The tender prices gradually rising on items is one of the reasons I’m not as inclined to make as many purchases as I use to, along with that nagging feeling that there is going to be some things I’ll really want and not have enough tender or freeze spots for those items in the future. Makes me wish I had another freeze spot, as I did want the fish battle pet as well…

But regardless, I’m still happy with the baby Naga battle pet. As I said before, I’m generally content with any mount, battle pet, or toy I don’t have as the monthly reward. :smiley:

I’ll be looking forward to next month’s Trading Post rewards! :moneybag:

-56 days (52 days with early access) until TWW releases!-

:meat_on_bone::crocodile: :cut_of_meat::japanese_ogre:

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I love overpriced items so I can go another month buying nothing.

Alright folks…does anyone know for sure that the Ensemble: Deepest Depths Diver Suit will let you breath underwater as it states on write up for it at the trading post?

I am not dropping that amount of tender if its not going to allow me to actually dive with it and not die.

Test it and see you get 1 hour to refund after buying it even after learning it, Im going to try and test later unless someone else does it first. But it does state it gives protection and stuff so it will be interesting to see

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Hey, can everything stop being so expensive so I can buy a couple of things?

Maybe the engagement with the Trading Post would be higher if people could grab a couple more items.

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I’ll wait to see what you find out…do let us know please.

not sure when ill test it but ill post when i do, i did do it on main but he had the fishing pole for under water breathing so went back to get refunded to test on a alt that didnt have that

And here’s the items from the Trading Post for the month of August.

NOTE: Still NO “Dark Ranger General Sylvanas Ensemble Kit” since PTR Patch 10.2.5

So, @Blizzard, @CommunityManagers @MVP, when will this make it into the Trading Post since it was supposed to go live but never made it???

I wonder for the sake of game mechanics if it’s just the helm and breathing tank for the underwater breathing as the recolor set is sold in the TP separately

I would really love to be able to buy more than one thing per month, but the prices make that nearly impossible if you plan on buying a mount, a pet or and ensemble. :pensive: Please consider ways to earn extra tenders!

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I’m getting really tired of pets as the bonus reward :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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