Ride Into Battle in Deephaul Ravine

Ride Into Battle in Deephaul Ravine

Set your sights on your next PvP adventure within Deephaul Ravine in the Ringing Deeps where you’ll work with your team to secure resources in the mine.

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I can’t wait to queue up and watch my entire team tunnel vision their way to a loss. :crazy_face:


Let’s gooo

Bot party incoming.

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Way to think positively! :wink:


This map just makes me wish we had engineer as a class.
Setting up a bunch of turrets in the middle, where everyone eventually has to pass through, would be great

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My luck in PvP has always been terrible. :sweat_smile: But still, it’s always nice to see a new addition to PvP.

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I just want the anti-cheat to be improved before I can get into PvP.

The game is plagued with scripters and bots.

I want to get into PvP, but I know the bad actors aren’t being dealt with. It’s why I quit Overwatch when it was still OW1.

let’s not forget about Warmode and wpvp bliz! Thanks for a pvp treat that being said. Look forward to new bgs forsure. Can only play arathi and warsong so much before it gets boring over the years

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levels 71-80

does that mean it won’t be in the current random rotation as we are all 70?

The most appealing change for PvP would be to:

  1. License Riot Vanguard
  2. make boosting bannable

In case anyone going over player metrics wonders why I’ve never played WoW PvP nor want to.

i’ve played thousands of games, boosting is rare, only in rated, and only to cosmetic goals which you can often do yourself if you put in the time and effort to get good at pvp.

Another mining cart escort BG? Huh.

I mean, it’s been WoW behavior in PvP for 20 years now lol

That’s cool but service chat botspam lets me know on an hourly basis glad boosting prices and if you dm message them you get a link to a discord filled with thousands of people that does RMT.

Thank you for the new battleground, I hope more is coming, especially to Epic Battlegrounds.

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they are only selling 2400 CR, you probably have to pay more for mount, and its not true glad either, a true glad is like top 0.1% of the ladder and they get a special seasonal named title, no boosters are good enough to carry someone that high.

Probably is the piloting/win trade services then that use lua unlocker rotation and interrupt bots then providing said service.

they are only taking you to 2400cr, which gives you a temporary “gladiator” title, but it isn’t a real title as you lose it at the end of the season, only true glads get to keep their titles.

So this is a hybrid of Seething Shore (I think that’s the right name) and Silvershard Mines? Get the crystal or babysit the carts?