Rich can yield anywhere from 2-4 mining casts it’s not a bug, small thorium 1-2. If you’re jot finding many rich node in un goro, your path is either off or there’s other miners that you might be behind. You see a 60 warrior or rogue of the other faction? Kill them, in my xp they’re more often than not mining as well. Once you get your path down like i do you can get around 70 ore and assorted gems per hour. Become a one man mafia for the ore in the crater, best advice I can give. If you get lucky and kill someone far from gy you can run rich node spawns till they Rez and then kill them again:)
Rogue dominate the thorium farms as well, feel bad for warriors trying to get in the silithid hives lol
Fix this blizzard.
I can solo farm the hives as well and I also eat rogues for breakfast (faerie fire alone in a hive is GG) but it’s still not worth getting into them the gem drops are far too low
I’ve more or less given up on mining I guess I’m just waiting until I have the time to level herbing.
But I’m not strapped for gold so I have no motivation either way
Yeah the drop rates are pretty horrid.
I’d argue it’s sillier to use non-buffed spawns with server pops at 5X or higher the original population caps.
That’s fair
Lol I’m sure you eat most a lot of them are terrible, haven’t lost to a Druid yet lmao, and if you’re stunlocked already you can’t put FF up :), would have a blast giving you a repair bill I can already tell lmao
And I got 5 crystals in less than 2 hours the other day open world farming, crystal drop rate is fine, I think it might be y’alls routes
How much or do you get per node in BFA?
Did they change that?
if so, when?
In what patch notes do you find this?
Because we have seen it with fresh nodes. I can be standing there, see it appear and then still only get 2 taps. It is wrong.
I don’t think the spawns are off. I just think there are that many people camping them. When you have 10k people instead of 3k - this is one of the many side effects.
It’s been this way for so long and still no fix for it…There was a lot of talk that it was on purpose because of layering being in, but that excuse has been gone for a month now. Finding a rich thorium vein on these super populated servers and only getting 2 taps out of it because it’s a bugged node sucks.
The game has no way of knowing how many individual players are seeking out nodes. The issue is the number of taps of RTVs. Less taps = less chances of getting arcane crystals.
This is what I suspect as well. That they were adjusted because of layering abuse, but then never adjusted back.
Mined 4 rich thorium veins in two runs of DM. All 2 taps, no gems. I noted this a while back, but haven’t been keeping track.
Interesting that a guildy of mine is using both the mining enchant and the helm for 310 mining - he gets on average 2 more ore per node than i do.
Another guiildie is using only the mining enchant for 305 mining and he is getting on average 1 more ore per node than i do.
They both average around 20 arcane crystals per week and i average around 5. (They do spend more time mining in total hours per week though - but the ore per node appears to be pretty consistent based off the last 3 weeks)
Are we 100% certain that mining skill past 300 does nothing as it did in vanilla or are we using some sort of ported system from the new api.
The main point is this. Log into the current BFA version.
Sure, all ore is given with a single tap. But how much thorium do you get per node? How many ores per node?
Now show me a patch note that specifically states thorium ore amount was changed… ever…???
That would imply that Blizzard actually puts all changes into the patch notes. Of course they should, but they don’t.
This is still happening. Thorium is seriously bugged. I just farmed for 2 and a half hours in Burning Steppes, got around 25 Thorium in the first 20 minutes, then the next 2 hours or so only netted around 7 Thorium. Something is seriously wrong with mining, and apparently no one gives a crap though, as a hunter who uses it for ammo, this kinda screws me in a relatively sizable way.