I think they nerfed mining and buffed herb gathering. Probably tweeked a lot of things secretly.
Can confirm the issue is still going. Went on a mining run last night, found about 8 small thorium, 5 rich. Only a single tap from every single small thorium, Rich ones gave me 3 2-taps, a 3-tap, and a 4-tap. The item distribution itself seems fine, I even got lucky and snapped up 2 arcane crystals, but taps are definitely low.
As gems are randomly generated per tap rather than per vein, this is seriously inflating the cost of gems, particularly arcane crystals. Some bis crafted items like Lionheart Helm could end up costing a few hundred more gold to produce from the arcanite alone. Serious issue, please investigate.
Good. Something to balance layer abusing mining multiple layers for rich veins.
Another thing I noticed is that these nodes are being super-stingy with dense stone. I recall having so much dense stone from thorium grinds that I would vendor it (make it into sharpening stones, etc.). Last night I farmed up 38 thorium and had under a stack of dense stone for my trouble.
There is one on auction on my server now for 1300g.
If this is true, that’s not how you fight layering
RTVs are flat out broken
Sound about right. BiS warrior helm for the entire game.
Seriously fix mining in general im tired of going to nodes just to reach it and see its phased into a monutain or the floor and are un minable. Also the bugged veins need to be fixed iv mined lots of rich veins and havent found a single arcane crystal. Meanwhile every chode who layer exploited has the stock piled pls fix this crap.
Yeah seriously I’ve hit well over 50 rich nodes and all I have to show for it is dense stones… not a single gem. I got 1 large opal from a small node. Also fix the rich nodes so they have more than 2 hits on them… more than not I find rich nodes with only 2 ore on it.
its 2-4 for rich thorium, 1-2 taps for small thorium.
Agreed. Fix it Blizz!
I should’ve dropped mining ages ago but for some reason I’m letting blizz cuck me into thinking DME nodes will be worth it. They won’t
Well seeing as how they buffed thorium spawns in 1.12 in vanilla in prep for BC launch. They are definitely using pre 1.12 spawns for classic. It is on the stupid clock system.
I’ve spent 4 hours in Sithilius over different play sessions and it spawns about 80% mithril still. This was not the case after 1.12 in vanilla.
Same on the low tap rate for RTV. I’m guessing that they are shared across layers? Reason I say this is because mid tap, i’d get engaged by a mob and see it disappear while I’m fighting. Or even while I’m tapping.
Might explain why gems are so low as well if it is indeed shared across layers.
That would almost make sense.
Seems like we need 1.12 spawns then because #nochanges
case closed
I know we’re playing on a later patch, but it would be kinda silly to introduce the buffed spawns at the start of a server don’t you think?
Everything else in the game is running 1.12 status or stats. Some things are running post 2.0 stats or changes
We don’t have the luxury to pick and choose and blizzard has stated they aren’t interested in progressive itemization/patching
Phasing is just the measured release of content. RTVs are released, so they should be running 1.12 spawns
Especially since items like Sulfuras and Lionheart are in the game and soon so will Tfury.
These items require literal truckloads of Arcanite Bars.
The Arcanite Reaper, a standard and famous weapon, isn’t even worth crafting because it’s so incredibly expensive.
Sulfuras costs literally 3250 gold on my server in arcane bars alone
No I totally understand why and what’s happening. It just would seem like injecting more trade goods like thorium, crystals, etc into the economy at inflated rates than what would be typical for the first few months of the launch would be… odd. Like adding the latest versions of BoP things like gear is one thing, but trade goods and drop rates are another.