RFD is needed

Snipy already made a post on the customer support forum whining about it and since I can still post I’m assuming it’s a-ok.

The link to his post is up in post 28.

Yep and People could actually do heroics Normal heroics because despite what people think no you cannot just jump from boes to 4k gs You do need some of those pieces from normal heroics and yes if you a,dps or Healer you can get away with supplementing pvp Gear you can’t really do that if you’re a tank.

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Imagine asking for RDF for 8 months only to be ignored by Blizzard because they think you’ll have a better social experience by not doing any dungeons with other players.


They’re so out of touch. You know how bad it feels to want to run a specific dungeon for a specific piece of loot and sit in LFG as a tank and not get picked up for the entire time you’re playing?

It sucks, and is demoralizing. The easiest solution, now with the addition of H+ and H++, is to accommodate RDF to only allow grouping up to heroic dungeons. Copy the retail system because it works and move along with this debate.

Not introducing RDF because it’s not ICC is such a effortless and ignorant excuse.

I’m so tired man. I love WOTLK but damn does it seem like you’re punished for your love most of the time.


Seeing as the original RDF launched with an ilvl requirement for the ICC 5 mans (and I believe the ToC one as well) that could easily be implemented for H+ as well, just incase they can’t make a separation like that work in classic for whatever reasons of incompetence.

We have to wait till TOC for them to separate Heroic and H+ in the LFG Tool. I have no doubt there’s a good amount of incompetence in the team. That’s harsh, but it’s a fact that’s been proven over and over throughout this cycle that WOTLK is in.

They said in some interview that this was intentional too which I’m not sure doesn’t make it worse. So incompetent and out of touch with their playerbase entirely :stuck_out_tongue:


Yep. JJ is cool and all but it’s not a replacement for rdf, needs to come ASAP if the game wants to survive in the long run


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