Rewritten Alexstrasza Quest on on Patch 10.1.5 - Players Now Ensure Alexstrasza's Escape

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Make mine a turtle. I will love him, and squeeze him, and call him George. :turtle:

Check your in game mail!

Tides of Darkness was an amazing novel as are each of the Novels detailing Warcrafts vast Lore/History! There are various unsavory things that have occurred but that is History sadly unchangeable and was set in stone prior to World of Warcrafts release!
Maybe we should also look to poor Varians capture and enslavement which seems to still be being implemented currently! Or is there a particular reason we feel the need to obsess over a fictional dragons history?

Warcraft not Lovecraft :heart: History is History

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I believe I posted in one of the threads: ā€œWhy donā€™t we aid Rhonin in her escapeā€ because one that fits in the timeline and two itā€™s not hyper creepy as opposed to the initial quest idea.

ā€¦It really wasnā€™t that hard.


Forget game development. Iā€™m a software engineer and it happens all the time in software development in general.

Itā€™s really common to work on a feature set and then for the customer to ask for it to be reworked or change the requirements when you demo it to them.


Only fix the quest needed was toning Chromieā€™s dialogue down so it didnā€™t sound like a joke. Tossing a cool story hook because the perpetually offended are perpetually offended is lame. Itā€™s pathetic that they caved to the crying of thin-skinned retards about this. The bronze flight is tasked with maintaining the timeline and that would have to involve making sure that bad things which have already happened also donā€™t get interfered with.

Chromie hating the crappy parts of the job wouldā€™ve been a good catalyst leading to whatever story theyā€™re ultimately trying to tell about the infinites and her goal of saving Nozdormu from becoming Murozond. We see infinite Chromie in the patch so she obviously goes bad at some point. Sweeping that under the rug just makes the infinite flight retroactively disappointing and worthless. So thanks for ruining a potentially interesting piece of morally grey storytelling.

The people who flagged this are pathetic.


One slight correction there: Chromie points out that Morchie is actually an alternate timeline version of her that fell to the Infinites, not her future self (Morchie disguised herself as a future version of Chromie to mess with you, but sheā€™s not actually from the future)

Chromie has, like Nozdormu, seen her own death, so since she refers to Morchie as an alternate self rather than a possible future self means that she isnā€™t Morchie when she dies.

Fair enough, thought I still think doing that cheapens the entire point of the infinite flight as the eventual progression of the bronze. If they do something to just make the infinites have always been alternate timeline nonsense or just never have happened in the first place itā€™s going to be so lame.

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The timeline remains intact. We are just aiding in her escape (which, for the millionth time, happened) instead of her torture and other horrible acts. I donā€™t see why that is a bad thing. At all. I feel like I need to say all of this wayyyyyyyyy too much, which really makes me question some things about the people Iā€™m talking to.


Itā€™s a good thing they changed it. Of course the player base couldnā€™t handle a grim questline like that, Itā€™s rated T okay.

Blizz can we have more poop quests?

The infinites are interesting narratively because they can offer a dark glimpse at the Bronze without actually making them fall.

Remember that the Infinites are Void aligned, and to the void, every possibility is its own truth and thus is equally valid.

Even if Morchie is just an alternate reality Chromie and Our Chromie isnā€™t fated to ever fall, as far as 1/6 of the cosmos cares, Morchies are all perfectly valid Chromies and Chromie and the rest of the Bronze Flight have to deal with the knowledge that they might be on a timeline that has them falling to the Infinites (with Nozdormu having the unenviable position of KNOWING heā€™s the Nozdormu that becomes Infinite)

Weā€™ve helped the bronze do other far worse things for the sake of maintaining the timeline. It would be an incredibly effective strategy for the infinites to force the bronze dragons to enforce horrible events, to demoralize them.

Again, the only problem with the quest was Chromieā€™s tone at the end.


Do you ever sit back and wonder how much of a laugh the devs get from all this useless nonsense. They have to change things for the PC warriors of course, but they prob are like ā€œ dang how do these ppl have so much free time on their handsā€ and ā€œthese arent real people theyā€™re video game characters ffs!ā€ Now we have to work more!

I know itā€™s a funny read for me.


This is exactly what it is. The usual suspects are COMPELLED to feel special so, as usual, they make everything about them and to hell with everyone else.

They then use ā€œhAvInG EmPaThYā€ as a fake shield for their narcissistic behaviour.
Repellent behaviour.


All these Alex quests do is make me think.

What would have been the disaster if she got free early.

And then what would have been if she had not.