Rework and respond to the priest talent tree blizzard, you cowards

It’s not even an April fools day joke anymore. Get some competent people working on this class. Mages are out there getting blaster master, a LITERAL game breaking ability from BFA Azerite, and we have to choose between getting breaks on our car or a steering wheel. The amateur sketch artist of the Mobile Alabama leprechaun could have done a better design. Is this going to be another 2 weeks from live rework like shadowlands or what?


Who cares that some specs are getting an azerith power. Some specs have had these baked into their talent trees since after bfa…

Maybe make actual suggestion of what you’d want to be added/changed/removed instead of just throwing more salt in here.

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There was an entire thesis written about what we want changed articulately crafted on wowhead that has gone unaddressed.


There are hundreds of posts on the priest forum with suggestions. Blizzard hasn’t bothered to even acknowledge them.


So throw salt in there. Got it!

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And why should they? “The class/spec I used to like isn’t fun to me anymore,” is not a suggestion.


This is typically where any other business would invest in some user research, and ask them about how they feel about the class, how it feels to play, and some open ended questions. It takes only around 15 interviews to do some solid user testing, not even hundreds. They could come up with some fantastic ideas. It would take what…two weeks for a solid design sprint and their job would be done.

You never ask someone what they want. What they want and what they need are more often than not completely different things. You keep asking them ‘Why?’ and dig down into the nitty gritty.

For example a lot of people scream ‘Remove Searing Nightmare’ when in reality, a more pressing issue is that Spriest has no way of applying AoE Vampiric Touch. Which would alleviate a ton of problems.

That was just an example though.

AoE vamp touch will solve no problems with the tree being garbage. :clown_face:


I’ve think we’ve given enough feedback to beckon a response from the blizzard dev team. Too much IMO.

Hunters are getting adjustments and blue posts left and right, meanwhile priests are here just barking at each other.

Are they really going to repeat SLs with this class again?

I think t his post was so well called for, happy to see it. I too am very frustrated with their response to this ( which is NOTHING at all).

The point of her statement pretty much states. Why are other classes getting better responses than ours? A class with an identity crises. It is so bad that the class spec tree is an utter fail.


This thread is well warranted. The difference in quality between (Shadow) Priest talents and all other specs is both appalling and infuriating.


What’s wrong with priests aside from shadow? Holy and Disc look solid.

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I woud say disc looks solid. If we get mind sear back im happy tho the ability to spread PTW easier might be nice. Holy apparrently ok but lacking imagination. Shadow gets most of the chat

Its a shame because shadow got a rework at the beginning of SL and blizz was lauded for it. Other classes wanted the same sort of rework. Kinda went downhill from there sadly

I would prefer to have BFA version… Instead of an easier, and more generic build and spender playstyle it got changed to.

I disagree with holy though. At least for the right side, I think it’s nice that they added a damage playstyle.

Presuming you are meaning shadow

Alpha barely just started. Yeah yeah, hunter got blue posts… wtv…

They havent released all the trees yet. Some classes are still out there empty handed while our trees got released what 3rd?

If shadow requires as much work as you guys are saying, we’re not getting a blue post overnight…

I think they well and truly realise shadow needs some work and are waiting till they come up with something before a post comes

I very much hope so, but shadow has been through this dance enough times that Blizzard has not earned the benefit of the doubt. Every expansion they screw with our spec, every expansion we provide detailed, thoughtful feedback, and then they ignore us and force things through. They need to at least give a sign they are listening and taking our feedback into account. They’ve had how long to work on this and this is what they came up with? I don’t trust them in a vaccum. If they were being honest about listening to community feedback, here is their chance. Let us know what they are thinking. Listen to our feedback. Involve us in the process and let us help.


The current problem with holy’s tree is Tier 1/2 specifically.

You need 20 points to start buying into tier 3 talents.

There are only 23 points you can possibly spend in Holy’s T1/T2 talents.

That is barely even a tree. There’s not a lot of choices you can make when you have to take every single talent minus 3 points.


Maybe if they take the PoM section out of the class tree and put it back where it belongs… in the holy tree, it would help…

Edit: I mean, if those 5 nodes are too much, maybe reduce the same effects into 3 nodes and put that into holy tree.

Will leave space for something more useful for all 3 specs instead of being useless for 1 and barely of use to another.

We still have zero blue posts - yep.

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Which is feedback in and of itself - go back to the things that made it fun before they started to suck which is mainly Legion.