Rewards past +10's

Its a entirely different topic… the " rosters boss" happens to dead and dying guilds that have players that can’t complete the content. Either they can’t replace the players or wont because they are someones friend.

The good players leave to better guilds and the failed guild dies its healthy.

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Because it allows blizzard to tune the content around people having lower ilvl, therefore allow gear to act as a soft nerf to the content again.

Players who are stuck can get passed it by gearing up, instead of waiting for blizzard to arbitrarily nerf the boss.

We’re trying the nerf with the new raid buffs now. They’ve given up on gear, shame.

On beta it stacks to 45% more damage and healing!!

(Subject to change I know).

This hasn’t been true since… tbc?

Split runs exist to the point world first guilds run mythic with the equivalent of 8 weeks of heroic raid clears mythic week one. Why keep a restriction for the average player?

I mean, as long as no lockout end of dungeon loot exists, players will farm full hero track dungeon bis by the end of week 2. At which point, there isn’t enough power growth from gear left for it to act as a soft nerf.

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Okay, just give everyone 5x raid loot.

(Equalizes splits.)

And while the top might do split runs, most did not.

I don’t get time gates for the sake of time gates…

Just add vendors with BIS so people can play the true game: Running around Orgrimmar or Stormwind, doing absolutely nothing.

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Emerald nightmare.

Once they realized the power of M+ in EN, they’ve been tuning around you having basically max gear. You can see this in a plot of kill times for 1st clears vs farm clears. For basically every raid pre nighthold, there’s a significant drop off in kill times for most bosses.

Nighthold onwards: the dropoff is much smaller (except for health nerfs to bosses).

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well one thing we at least agree upon is the skill and depth of knowledge required to get glad in this game. i respect the pvp players in this game, but i sure wish it would just go away lol

I would be down for s4 vendors every season

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S4 vendors don’t cover all the slots. They don’t even include m+ drops.

And we’re limited to one every 2 weeks. It’s way too slow.

As a solo queue enjoyer I find it a fun activity after ce. Never had enough pvp pals for 3s

I guess after some odd 20 ces I don’t feel the thrill of chasing items anymore. Only mog lasts.

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Fundamentally, for 12 years of WoW you had the basic feedback loop of kill a few bosses, get a bit of gear to get stronger, reclear to get a bit more gear to help you kill the prog boss, reclear for more gear, and repeat until done.

Every week was a slow increase in raid power due to farming bosses.

Then, mythic+ arrives (and I enjoy/like mythic+), but it completely flips this 12 year feedback loop on its head by vastly accelerating the gearing so it mostly is condensed into the first 3 weeks of the tier.

i only dabbled first season of shadowlands when you kinda had to. it was fun, but it was too much knowledge required to be good. i couldnt stand 3s because of the guaranteed healer every match. i strongly preferred 2s

I prefer it myself. Then again I enjoy the extended lock out work on prog only raiding format.

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That is an another good point.

The culture of just extending until its cleared only really took off once mythic+ came into the picture since you’re still able to gear without reclears.

(Not saying this is a good or bad thing).

True it only doesn’t take hold if a extremely valued trinket is deep in the raid.

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