Rewards past +10's

But if farming were not possible, you’d use a normal weapon or crafted maybe.

(cause double time would be a rare drop.)

No…you would just be broken till you got double time.

Going back to your point earlier about playing alts, Would you be more likely to play alts if you could instead be infinitely farming a double time you don’t have on your main, and burning yourself out, or if you used your 1 chance for the week and couldn’t try again until next week?


Double time would be rare. On par with legendaries.

Classes do not need it regardless of how well it sims.

You only have this expectation because the item is infinitely farmable.

take away that infinite farmability, and the expectation dies with it.


I would be annoyed and feel like every week O would need to do content I find trivial to get upgrades rather then moving on and experimenting with new classes. Rather just take some friends and get it done.

Im the kinda person who hits elite in pvp though then farms multiple classes for elite sets. This season being an exception since rewards are repeats save the illusion.

But like… that happens anyway if item is from raid.

Like good luck getting a rageheart (not season 4) or anything else that’s highly desirable.

Painsmith had veinripper.

Sylvanas had a dagger.

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No, not at all you saw this in wrath with trinkets like reign of the unliving or cata with shard of woe.

The expectation doesn’t vanish you just sit people from prog till they get it. Its been 20 years we know how the community reacts

Edge of Night was good enough that rogues were still trying to use an S2 version in their offhand throughout all of S3.

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Good luck sitting people without Thunderfury or Warglavies off Illidan.

And how would you sit people for an item off of Sinestra lol.

I mean I have example glavies also sucked in tbc for most fights as their bonus only worked on demons rogues just wanted the off hand for its high atk speed.

So, guilds constantly complain about the roster boss.

And also guilds sit good reliable players at the drop of a hat for not getting an early drop.

But items are so rare that either distribution is obtained from your guild or not at all.

(Unless if you poach people with said items.) It’s just not realistic to sit everyone that doesn’t have X.

Blame is on blizzard for tuning the game like that… yes players over min max but im not gonna pretend the playerbase that spends a whole hour buffing in classic for molten freaking core isnt gonna act the way its been proven to act.

People in Wrath/Cata were not complaining that they couldn’t participate in content without those trinkets. Yes people want them, but players understand that they might not get it until later in the season, if at all (as happened with Phylactery of the Nameless Lich for me, we had 7 people who wanted it, and saw 3 all season).

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You didn’t raid in cata did you? Dragonwrath.

Good luck getting dragonwrath in a pug.

If you can convince them to even do the extra steps for the quest, people will be fighting you for the Eternal Ember drops.

I raided in cata with a 10 man guild. We also went back to Firelands to finish off Dragonwrath for a person. In Dragon Soul.

Alright but why is that good? You are making an argument that farming all season the same thing is good. I disagree.

It just seems like both sides can’t be true at the same time.

Maybe the roster boss/recruitment complaints are over exaggerated and actually it’s easy to maintain so dropping players is fine?