Rewards past +10's

Tuning on beta matters for jack, they just buffed all elemental shaman damage by 30% a few hours ago lol.

I’m going by the many seasons history of live (which are actually 8s, and 9s are looking to be all that are needed in TWW for power rewards, so don’t even have to get the extra affix).

M+ is shackled to wow raids in terms of reward balancing.

That said, if it were its own thing, imagine key level 150 (Diablo 3 comparison.)

Probably would get bored of power upgrades before they even end.

Could go as far as mythic track at some point though. Just cause power exists, it doesn’t mean people have to use it.

Otherwise, can also try for greater parity:

Heroic raid gives mythic track vault loot.

Mythic raid drops heroic raid loot. (That’s equivalent to keys above 10.)

I disagree. Given the far smaller amount of participation it would be about equal. That is strictly speaking if we wanted to make a glad mount equivalent.

I think any form of infinitely farmable power is unhealthy for the game, including the current state of M+ end of dungeon drops.

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Yes. At worse it promotes people running alts. Ive never liked the vault magically gives better loot design.

Would be nice for a way to get mythic track m+ loot without relying on vault.

The biggest issue of m+ is having unwilling tourists.

It was a legitimate question and not a statement. With proper tuning the +7 affix is going to get a ton of complaints early into the season. With blizzards track record things will be tuned high and lowered overtime.

I am not talking about tuning at all. Historically dungeons are always overtuned at launch. Did we forget DF season 1 already?

DF S1 was fun.

Then swatted with the nerf bat over and over because m+ max reward has to be “free” and not something legitimate.

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Or SL season 1 where tanks needed to basically permanently kite.

I didn’t mind DF season1 though although bears sucked.

I think it actually does the opposite.

It makes it so you feel that any time spent on alts is time that could be spent improving your main, and if you’re not improving your main, it will fall behind the other people who are.

Infinitely farmable gear has also created the unhealthy mindset in a large section of players where only bis matters, and if you don’t have bis, it’s not worth playing until you do. It would be a good move for game healthy to kill that mindset, by slowing down gearing again. In doing so, gearing up becomes part of the seasonal journey, and not a cover charge to participate.

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Did I forget that Blizz curb stomped dungeons by week 2 due to massive cries despite 20s getting timed week 1 horribly undergeared?

No, actually I didn’t forget.

Then Blizz spent every season after gutting mythic+ even more while buffing its rewards.

Coming off SL, healers said they wanted to heal. So blizzard made them heal with the initial tuning of DF S1. Then people complained it was too hard, and 4DPS comps returned.

Also, DF S1 had both Shadowmoon burial grounds, and court of stars. Quite possibly the 2 most undertuned dungeons relative to the rest of the season we’ve ever had.

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But gear will be infinitely farmable at some point. If not heroic track, then champion, if not that, then normal dungeon gear.

Doesn’t change much I guess, cause you slow down gear acquisition then people get like 3 items per week instead of a full set at that arbitrary point.

Ive never heard of nor seen this. If your class relies on a over powered weapon like double time or a trinket you chain run till you get it.

Making bis come from a mystery box just has people running 8 dungeons and gambling each week. If people want bis let them farm bis. I find it causes burn out for the mid tier players.

I agree with infinitely farmable starter gear. You should be able to very easily get a full set of basic gear, at a level where you are ready to begin progressing in actual content. Once you start getting into actual gear progression, infinite farming needs to stop.

How to make it stop then?

I’m not a fan of M+'s model where end of dungeon rewards is much lower than vault rewards.

Striking mythic raid drops from mythic raid is probably the closest that we’ll ever get to parity though.

0.01% of the playerbase clearing the hardest content in a couple of resets is irrelevant with this discussion. Neither you or I play at that level.

Its the most accessible end game pillar in the game so it only makes sense to do this. Its almost as if Blizzard has plenty of data backing up the claim that when a large amount of players hit a brickwall (DF season 1) they just stop playing.

But the very idea of content where people can fail is exclusionary.

Difficulty could be failure proof for maximum inclusivity.

So, how many people should Blizzard exclude and why is that the right amount?

It doesn’t make sense to do so because there were 20 steps to begin with (until end of rewards.)

this is to account for End of dungeon having no lockout. If you could only loot each dungeon once per week on a certain upgrade track (say, 0-4 champion, 4-11 hero, 12+ myth), then EoD and vault could drop the same ilvl, and that would be fine.

Which is what I’m saying is bad.

In this example, you only care about double time, and basically pretend other weapons don’t exist. You don’t care about the incremental upgrades before you get double time, because it’s not double time, even if it is still a large upgrade.


I agree I just dont get your counter point. It doesn’t matter if double time is mythic or heroic track you farm double time.