Rewards past +10's

It does just fine now.

No, it doesn’t.

Title is so far out of reach after +10. It’s not even within a distance most can hope to reach with better play.


Is the Cutting Edge and Hall of Fame titles too far out of reach? Are the Gladiator titles too far out of reach?

But that’s why there’s mythic X boss achievements along the way.

And gladiator is like 600 points above 2.4k

Would be like removing all achievements until cutting edge after AOTC.

Rank One is 0.1% of the playerbase just like the Mythic Keystone title…

And title is not 600 points above +10s.

Yes and keystone hero is challenger, not gladiator.

There is no gladiator equivalent in m+. It goes straight from challenger to rank 1. There’s not even rival.



I agree with you 100pct, and I’m someone who typically pushes well past +10 (20 before). I don’t even like that the title is in the game. I don’t want to play with people that need some sort of external reward for pushing keys. They just don’t have the mentality I look for in people I want to play the game with.

2000 has a mount.

And most raids don’t have an AOTC mount, typically only the last raid of the expansion.

The “lousy shoulder glow” requires CE to get from raiding…

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He is right. There isn’t a glad equivalent, but quite frankly I could care less. Glad equivalent would probably be around 3.2k score or something, and it doesn’t exist.

I get a ground mount, and while very cool, it’s still not a dragon skin I can show off, ya know?

Honestly I’d settle for the 2100 PvP weapon enchant glow to be at 3k permanently. Or all 12s in the new system since 12 is the level where affixes are removed and “Push keys” starts.

PvP has more rewards too. Gear, weapon enchant, dragonriding mount skin, title.

PvE You get gear, title, ground mount

Just pointing this discrepency out XD

Thanks for cutting my quote out of context. Here’s the rest for those confused:

You’re only pointing out the dungeon rewards for PvE content. There’s gear, Dragonriding mount skins, and titles from raids too.

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If you want to tell me that 2500 m+ score is an equivalent accomplishment to gladiator I’m not sure this a conversation worth having.


Quote me saying that.

Then what did you mean by the pile of unexplained links up there?

I wouldn’t mind them adding a tier set recolor for 12s i wouldn’t want them going past 15s for rewards though that is where class starts to matter.


Glad would maybe start at 3.6k maybe 3.8k its a very slim number that ever breaks 2400 in pvp.

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I think 12s, especially with that being the point where Xal atath removes her affix and instead adds a flat damage buff, is the right place to put it.

The jump from 11 to 12 is set to be quite large, and with how much more compounding percentages there in involved with Tyra and fort I expect keys to not go as high as they do now anyway.