Rewards past +10's

I’m talking about class balancing so that specs are closer in performance.

I don’t think the repeatable nature of M+ is the issue. For me it’s the reality that only a small portion of the entire player-base is actually participating in anything beyond a +7 or so regularly. I appreciate and respect those who can and do push higher and enjoy that gameplay but an overwhelming majority of the entire paying customer base doesn’t. For them those resources spent on that are for the most part wasted. Generally speaking all they see from it are the nerfs that roll down hill because of those players pushing the extreme limits.


So mythic+ should get its own color AND get he mythic raid color from trivial 8-10s?

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Agreed, the content past Level 10 in Mythic Keystone Dungeons is pushing the keys as high as you can and chasing that top 0.1% of the playerbase achievement.

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The thing is it’s not. It’s not even close most seasons. Given the multiplicative scaling there’s more difference between a title key and a +10 than there is a +10 and a +0.

I don’t think they should add rewards above +10.


They just made it way easier to do M+ with the affixes change, and they haven’t made it way easier to get rewards from PvP.

Therefore they either need to change conquest again before TWW comes out, or they need to make rewards in lower m+ keys less, and move the rewards ceiling to higher m+ keys.

I didn’t watch his video but M+ desperately needs non-power rewards between portals and title.

To be honest - the “set bonus” element of a set should be abstracted from the appearance in the item design. Such that using the catalyst doesn’t change the actual appearance of the item. Then your raid gear should have their own appearances and mythic should have its own appearances. Both with the reward tracks offering a recolor of that apperance.

This would provide greater incentive to participate in both M+ and Raiding if the cosmetic rewards were different.

The concept of appearance as a reward coming from specific content should be something to embrace so that they go back to meaning something again.

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I mean adding anything past level 10, aside from the seasonal title. Is a bad idea given only a very small fraction of the player base is able to do keys above the 12 level. They’ve already added enough with the seasonal title which satisfies the players that want to push that high and work towards a seasonal reward, similar to how it works with mythic raiding.

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Only concern with this is stats on items, do they also follow tier just without the model or do they not change? Might make catalysing a specific 528 dungeon chest from vault better than getting 528 tier, very confusing.

Most seasons there isn’t pushing keys as high as you can and chasing that top 0.1% of the playerbase achievement? Sorry, but that’s just flat out wrong.

So? That’s not my point. Reread what I actually typed or read careful my response right above.

Nothing is wrong with it, which is why I am advocating for it.

I think the Weapon Illusion for getting 2100 in PvP should be available as a reward in M+ between portals and title. It’s silly that a Weapon Illusion that is usually thematic for a patch is only available as an aspirational reward for the least played content in WoW instead of the most played content.

They’re most likely not gonna add rewards for 15s and above.

They would have to actually do some major balancing then lmaooo

Is someone who does a +11-12 trying for title?

Why would someone only doing one or two key levels higher than the current max reward tier need more and/or better rewards?

Because that’s the key they have in their bags? Idk. I think the game should be doing a better job of encouraging people to try things.

They can always lower it.

It does just fine now.

I’d consider pushing higher keys for some ensembles or arsenals or something. Idc about titles or portals.

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I just want the rewards to be equal.

I raid HC, get AOTC, I get a dragon appearance.
I get to 2.5k and I get… a lousy shoulder glow.

What’s up with that?