Rewards past +10's

The new dungeons look like the best line up maybe ever and that is saying something with BFA 5 mans being the gold standard.

Looks like maybe the best season of all time.

I suppose I just don’t see the point in inflating M+ rewards past 10s when they just condensed keys this season.

One step forward and two steps back seems to be how Blizz operates though. Give them an expac or two and we’ll be back to the same system we had at the start of DF I bet.

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The new ones look great but I really don’t like Siege of Boralus, I think its within my top 5 most hated dungeons of all time.

I do like everything else about the season though.

There is a giant void where content is unrewarding in M+. After portals you are either a title holder or a time waster (as far as rewards go, pushing for fun is acceptable).

+15 should award and Elite PvE color for your set. Give players another goal to shoot for.

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If we’re talking prestige rewards like recolors, mounts, or w/e then I wouldn’t have a complaint about that.

Naw there should 100% be a recolor of the tier set at plus 12 or something. Nothing wrong with rewards to strive for.

  • Entirely intentional. They want players who are willing and able to reroll at the drop of a hat.
  • Again, fully intentional.
  • Intentional. Not a concern.
  • Balancing stuff is boring. They’d rather do good enough and then work on the next limited time drought filler.
  • But the people who are pushing the highest keys want more. They deserve much, much more. Why else would they keep telling us this?

Why stop at +15. Why not add a +20 reward and a +25 reward and a +30 reward. After all people clearing to those points have no reason to push. At some point you need to allow pushing to be based on intrinsic rewards and rewards granted by blizz. The +10 is a good break point as it has been for a long time now.

Its a break point where many people can still work for them and its feasible for even new players to get enough skill to earn.

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The title is for players after the 15s in this example. If you make rewards for people every few key levels in this game you will have bedlam on your hands. This entire community acts like it was never told “no” growing up.

Because 10s are a joke.

And to the top players +15’s are a joke.

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Okay? You seem to be one of the few people that doesn’t recognize the huge chasm of lack of rewards from +10 to title range keys.

But they have title, and title is % based reward so players are competing to stay in that range across the season instead of hitting a number and stopping.

Title is going to be 18-19s this season, portals are at 10. We could do with something in the gap.

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The balancing could be to make 10 so hard that you need max ilvl for it on any class. Then the rewards are only achievable if you’re both A) playing at the top of your game, and B) geared out the teeth.

Or is that not the direction you wanted this to go?

PVP rewards are much better structured.

What’s wrong with wanting the same for PVE?

I do understand it and I’ve run keys in that range. Why? For the fun of seeing how far I could push. There didn’t need to be a reward outside of that.

At some point you would be creating rewards for key levels that people can’t push (lets say +50’s) which is a waste of resources. There needs to be a cut off and the cut off has been +10 (+20 before the squish) for a long time. There is little reason to dedicate the resources to create the rewards and the balancing of classes/specs needed to ensure that they are attainable.

After that my reasoning as for why +10 instead of other break points is already listed.

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To me it seems they want the rewards to mean something, and since M+ is just math, what is even the point of arguing the semantics of +10 vs +15?

Your point is that there should be a cut off somewhere. I don’t think you’d care if the portals were at +15 (Since apparently all classes can get there per this thread). You care if rewards are offered post the class-success threshold.

If that threshold is +15, then so be it.

I don’t know why that logic is so hard to follow. Then again, this is the WoW player base we’re talking about. They love arguing for the sake of arguing.

So long as the rewards for +10 and beyond are purely prestige rewards I am fine with it but introducing greater tangible rewards that affect player power beyond what their awarding now I think is a bad idea.

They would be investing more into a portion of a game mode that while it sees heavily televised attention has a relatively small population in comparison to the entire player base. When you start talking about rewards you then have to start looking at balancing and tuning more frequently and that generally leads to the cutting edge players causing negative class changes for your average player for the sake of ultra high end game issues.


You don’t seem to enjoy pushing, and that’s okay.

Rewards will be some form of cosmetics anyway.

And +10/20 is far too soon for the stopping point.

And as a parallel to raid, some specs suck, and won’t really get into world first or Hall of Fame.

PVP has like 500 points gap between end of rewards and title.

PVE… has… 1000-1.5k

Do you know that mythic raiding exists?

Yeah I don’t think anyone is suggesting player power rewards extend beyond 10s and current levels, especially with the repeatable nature of m+ gearing.