Rewards past +10's

First, the point is difficulty alone is only a small piece on the success of a game. There are extremely popular, game of the year style games, that are also very hard with no easy setting.

It’s more nuanced than that.

What’s funny about your snide comment is Blizz literally made that type of server due to a large customer demand lol. I don’t think it’s something for retail of course, just a funny example.

rethorics aside we both if know that change rolls on reteail game will be dead immediately

I felt this pugging 100%. Seemed to be the point of failure for a lot of groups where things became one-shot trash mechanics for those who don’t use defensives or watch out for avoidables.

I wonder if 12s = 12s TWW / DF or

12 =14s TWW /DF

Sounds like a you issue homie.

If you are good, it won’t matter what class you play.

Just increase the item drops if anything or increase the amount of crests that drop.
Quantity over quality.

A top 0.1% Affliction Warlock last season would’ve gotten title at 3233 IO. That’s almost all +24s, a few +25s, and a +23 Fortified Murozond’s Rise. Those are literal pug keys.

A current top 0.1% Survival Hunter would get title at 3159 IO. Those are easily puggable key levels and notably includes a few +12 keys which are hilariously easy.

By comparison, a top 0.1% VDH last season would need to hit 3779 IO to get title. That involves +29s across the board apart from Fortified Throne and Tyrannical EB, +30s for BRH and AD on both Fortified and Tyrannical, and +30s on one of Fortified/Tyrannical for several other dungeons, such as Waycrest and Galakrond’s Fall, to make that spec’s cutoff.

There is absolutely no world in which a +23 and +24 on an off-meta spec are even remotely comparable to a +30 Galakrond’s Fall or Waycrest Manor, or a +30 Tyrannical AD or BRH, even on the most hard-meta spec we’ve had in years. To give out the same reward would basically kill high key pushing.


To give out the same reward would basically kill high key pushing.

It would incentivize meta +x.

Which may be good, cause it’s one step away from meta comps.

Except it’s arguably worse. It’s just some throw pick spec basically getting AFK carried to title by VDH+SPriest+Fire+RDruid or dropping the Druid for an Aug because those keys could just be 4-DPS’d.


but then people will be more willing to accept other specs (because other people have done so.)

It has that positive trickledown effect.

While I guess title pushers find the easiest place to park their titles.

Then like every spec would probably be within 100 or 200 points of each other.

What it won’t do is let those non-meta spec players actually get title.

That’s highly optimistic, but that won’t happen.

The pug groups’ party leaders would just be that off-meta DPS spec waiting for a VDH, Fire Mage, Augmentation Evoker/RDruid, and SPriest to queue up and LFG would just be saturated with those sorts of groups with a bunch of similar off-meta specs queued up while the VDH, Fire, Aug/RDruid, and Shadow players will just boost their friends to title through 26s and 27s without touching LFG because they know they’ll just be used for a free ride to title (and not get title themselves, most likely).


That just goes to show you how piss poor balance is, and you need to realize that 25s are puggable with meta specs that are capable of keys 5-6 levels higher than others. That 25 key full of non meta specs isn’t the same difficulty as it is with meta.

So yeah, if a 25 is where an affliction lock is peaking and he’s beating all other affliction locks, let’s give that man a reward. Because for that spec, that’s the end of the road. It’s the mathematical limitation, presumably. I would assume that was with some meta specs in the party as well, but didn’t check it.

Make different titles then. A seasonal one that’s open to everyone and a class specific one. Let the class specific one be evergreen, able to be earned in any season. This way when you see the “dot guy” title you know at some point that affliction warlock was pumping in some season.

Could be lazy with it too.

The Draconic [class] instead of hero.

Would incentivize title pushers to carry non-meta specs to heights, but I don’t think it’s a bad thing.

Two diff titles per season. why not?

When players do break the meta they typically do 1-2 key levels below the top keys using an entire party of 5 non-meta specs.

If title was based on spec % you would definitely see the key level required brush right up against the current soft cap, especially in a group of 4 meta +1 off meta.

Remember the total number of title spots doesn’t change, and most of the same people who get title now will still get it, just on different classes and specs. This isn’t going to totally flip who gets title.

Titles by spec would almost certainly increase the representation of the off meta specs and increase the score needed for title.

And does anyone really think meta specs would stop playing? How insecure would someone have to be to stop pushing keys because they felt their top .1% meta spec title was threatened by another player’s top .1% aff lock title?

As it stands now, if your main is a non-meta m+ spec you’re just kinda out of the rat race even if you’re clearing the mythic raid (or most of it). Sucks for those that would want to play their main and chase another reward, but really can’t.

I’m fine with there being a meta, at the end of the day the game is just numbers and something will yield the highest sum. I’m fine with that.

Even if the titles are earned by 4 meta + 1 non meta, still shakes it up from current meta lock in 5.

Just think we can improve the optics and carrot a bit.

Since the total number of title spots doesn’t change, do you really think there is going to be a massive change up where 70% of the title spots are suddenly going to new characters who normally never get title from playing their offspec?

If you are talking about Season 3, 25s were puggable regardless of class.

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What makes you think the people getting the “off meta title” is going to be earned by people that normally main that spec vs existing title earners rerolling?

0.1% title is a lot more exclusive than CE, it’s more similar to hall of fame, and you aren’t going to see too many off meta specs sneaking in there (there are some of course, and some off meta specs still get title).

A lot fewer meta players would get title while a lot more off meta players would. It would definitely shake up the FOTM reroller crowd. Do you reroll to a spec that’s stronger or reroll to a spec with less title competition?