Rewards past +10's

Players reroll meta to get title every season.

What makes you think they wouldn’t reroll off meta to get title?

Do you think they just won’t care about missing out on the title?

Back in the days of battle groups players did paid transfers to get glad on less competitive severs, that was common.

Was in response to a post above, just used the same key level they referenced.

They definitely would reroll off meta to get title. I don’t know if that’s worse than 99% of the tanks with title being the same spec.

I’m not defending Blizz’s awful class balance, especially VDH, that’s for sure.

I’m just not sure making chasing the 0.1% title more about gaming the system and how easily teams can run 4 meta + 1 off meta round robin with their group to boost everyone up than just pushing ad high as you can is a good change for the game.

Removing the title all together may be more healthy lol (it didn’t exist until SL).

Who knows.

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Cosmetic / achievement / mount.

What’s the problem?

This isn’t entirely accurate. Affliction Warlock just happened to be one of only a very small number of specs that wasn’t even close to qualifying for title in any region and is the worst of that crowd.

Last season my group managed to get the title with a comp that had two decent off-meta specs that just happened to have atrocious synergy with one-another and the rest of our comp. Ret Paladin and Outlaw weren’t meta by any stretch but weren’t bad either. Demonology and Destruction were also both quite strong, albeit not meta, in S3. Affliction Warlock, by comparison, was just awful.

I mained affliction the entirety of DF. The spec was so depressing to play in keys and in s3 I got around 3kio and gave up because the whole time I felt like I was holding my group back when it came to pushing.

Its way easier to carry a couple of underperforming off meta specs to CE than it is to title in m+

I do believe I mentioned at some point right after the change that people would start demanding they fill out 11 and up with more rewards, which would just end up inflating the system back to where it was, and here we are.

Didn’t take long for the “we do it for fun, not rewards” crowd to start asking for rewards.

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The 0.1% title is more comparable to Hall of Fame than cutting edge.

A significant amount more off meta specs got HoF than m+ title because its way easier to cover said specs weaknesses in that content than m+.

This is why m+ balance has always been poor. Hopefully with less variance Blizzard can balance things a lot easier.

No he’s pretty much a communist. If he has 5 cows and you have 8 cows, he doesn’t want to work hard so he can buy 3 more cows so everyone can prosper and own 8 cows… he just wants 3 of your cows to die so everyone can feel the pain of living in a 5-cow existence.

All I want is for the easy loot piñata of free aspect crests at 6+ and free mythic vaults at 8+ to go away so mid tier mythic raiding guilds can have their recruitment pool back. Add all the rewards you want to m+…. I don’t care… just so long as they’re all tuned well beyond the reach of your average group finder pug player. Welfare is just as bad for games as it is for real life. Why ppl seem to feel that they should be entitled to every reward in the game for minimal effort just because they pay a sub is beyond me. If you want to just point, click, and win, go play a single player game. If everything is easy, nothing has meaning and nobody is actually “good” at the game.

Just give us a duelist esque enchant

Very few off meta specs are part of hall of fame as well, but yeah it’s probably a bit more open.

Rank 1 title for arena is similar.

It’s the nature of the top end (the literal 0.1%).

How exactly does this take away their recruitment pool? Is it a “people can get the same loot for less effort elsewhere” kind of thing?

If that’s the case maybe they should assess how mythic raiding is tuned/handled so that it isn’t less appealing than the alternative. Not sure we need to make it equally annoying or equally fun but both approaches are considerations.

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The issue is Blizzard lets things fester for too long. There was no reason for something like VDH to be as strong as it is for 2 whole seasons (1 if you exclude s4). DF balance while I appreciate the consistency in hotfixes early on they still allowed for things to be way too good for way too long.

I’ve been recruiting on and off for mid tier mythic/CE guilds since WoD and I am curious on why you think making bridging into mythic raid harder helps with the player recruitment pool? Recruiting in DF compared to previous expansions with the exception of Emerald Nightmare was relatively fine.

Emerald Nightmare was such an easy raid that I was able to find solid players for my CE guild at the time through group finder lol. Gone are those days but probably for the best.