Revive Pet Cannot be a 6 second cast in PvP

Besides issues with the Pet System, the way combat is played is to basically spam abilities in hoping to cripple or beat the enemy by attrition rather than by timing of abilities or actually using gear as an advantage.

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Killing a pet should be a thing.
Currently its just a waste of resources.

I like this change.


melee player

“I like this change that screws Hunters”

name a more iconic duo

You’re smart enough to know that this “first step” does absolutely nothing to “bring back pet management”. It’s punishing Hunters for not keeping their pet alive while not giving them the adequate tools to keep their pet alive.


Step 1 has to be followed by step 2, which would be giving more tools to keep our pet alive. The final step would be giving our pets more useful abilities so keeping them alive is more important. Stuff like spirit bond and intervene.


This is a BS talking point and you know it. Step 1 and Step 2 need to come at the same time. We have no reason to believe there ever will be a Step 2 knowing Blizzard.


Uhh ya. Well unholy has a pet too.

If I fail to keep him from chasing heals around a pillar or something and getting stomped out, thats my fault.

Managing your pet is part of playing a pet class. Its not just some animal shaped permanent dot that follows you around.


That’s what these testing phases are for. I just want to acknowledge that there is potential for a higher skill cap with this change ONLY IF it comes alongside other changes. If not then it’s just a nerf.


Lol no point arguing with brain dead melee players who want u to suck vs them. Of course 6 seconds is stupid I said this the second it came out. During WOD I was number 1 bm hunter on 2v2 roster before u say it’s an l2play issue.

Double melee sitting on u kicking stunning imprisons/fears were making a 2 second Rez feel really frustrating. The hunters heals from mend pet are low and won’t keep it up even to cleave atm. Every mend pet is 10 second cd. That means every 10 seconds u also have to loose a damage global to compensate and I’ll lose it anyway. Most healers won’t even have pet bars on to heal it.

That’s not a hunter lack of skill that’s common sense. Now what other class aside from hunter can have half their damage taken away by their own weapon dying. Example if melee had to cast a six second Rez in order to get their weapon back after every disarm. That’s what you hunter haters are claiming is fair. A dk and rogue don’t have to waste every 10th global to keep their weapon up. They don’t have to Rez their weapon.

Now 6 second timer is ignorant and 2 second timer has hurt nothing for 10 years. No point in arguing with randoms that don’t even make it above 2k in pvp. These same randoms want to see you fail so their rating goes up. You know it should be reverted. It’s fine. Hopefully blizz ignores these trolls and does revert it. Case closed. But chances of blizz doing what’s right is way down their so don’t get your hopes up.


There is no “managing your pet” that’s going to prevent your pet from dying. It’s not just going to die if it gets LoSed around a pillar. It’s going to die out in the damn open and there’s little the Hunter can do about it. It doesn’t make sense to assign such a heavy punishment for a “lack of pet management” without actually having adequate tools for pet management.

BM right now is one of the least played specs in rated PvP. The only reason it’s not bottom-of-the-barrel is because MM is even worse. What in the world makes you think its in need of any sort of reigning in like this?


Plus, let’s acknowledge that a 6 second rez is not just a PvP matter. It’s going to really suck in solo content and PvE as well. Sometimes a pet dies and there’s not much you can do about it, and in those situations a 6 second rez is going to be a lot worse than just a minor inconvenience. It’s already super punishing if your pet dies right now. You lose Bestial Wrath, pet threat, and your frenzy stacks as well as having to cast for 2 seconds. It does not need to be a 6-second cast, period.

I am absolutely sick of Hunters being made to make compromise after compromise every single damn expansion. Go look at what some melee, namely DH, are getting next expansion and then come back to me telling me our class is the one needing to be nerfed.


Uhhh one that y’all summon instantly, yes…

And I opp.

Aren’t psevers still against the rules???


Not to mention locks can cast Rez pet before their pets even dead…watched one do it last night


Against what rules?

Uh the TOS I thought.


“Pets will be buffed don’t worry guys” Pepelaugh. Xd. Hopefully its reverted or our pets are gonna need a big big buff. Or otherwise cya lol. Guess I’ll ned to start leveling a hunter on Classic. :dancer::tornado:


Stop whining, this is a step in the right direction for pet management. If you are PvP’ing and your pet dies it’s because you let him run behind a pillar in 3’s, with their hole team back there killing it, then it’s your teams fault. If you, and your healer / team mates aren’t playing around that, as you always should have, you’re bad. And well if your pet dies in PvE, then i dunno what to tell you. We have plenty of tools to revive our pet in PvE while doing things like questing. Trap the mob and revive up?

I agree.

And yes Bepples, I do play a hunter. Before you go off on a rant about how I am posting on a paladin (ZOMG OMEGA LULS can’t post on another toon).


Yo bepples is the woooorst thing that has ever happened to hunters. Lmao

Sure will.

You sure should.

First rule about pservers: you don’t talk about them. It gets you banned.


Only issue is it’s an uneven change. We either need our pets to be more powerful/useful/tough or to have the timer reduced to something a little fairer like 3 or 4 even.