Revive Pet Cannot be a 6 second cast in PvP

I’m honestly even more worried about this change’s implications in raids. Sometimes, your pet just dies. It can’t be avoided. A 6 second rez time is going to be way too punishing. Fights like Carapace & Drest’agath come to mind.


Yea blizz should abolish this nerf or give mend pet a buff or add a meaningful HoT proc to cobra shot/kill command. This sucks


This is insane 6 seconds is 4 seconds too long . At first I thought this was a case of take away now give back later like so many of our past skills/talents

This should never make it to live especially as once the squish goes through our pets will suffer the usual now made of tissue paper like last time.


I was hoping that we’d get news of them ditching the 6 second pet rez time change during the update. No such luck. I still believe this needs to be looked at and addressed…

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vanilla pvp has a higher skill cap

game knowledge and a lot of class nuance

Not just the mindless KC spam


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I feel like this wont make it into SL. Blizz knows that this will hurt especially when it comes to pvp and arena. Maybe it was a test to see how the community would react, but in all honesty they would pretty much doom 2 specs since mm has the lone wolf perk

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Never thought of that, it might come to it.

Very true, but how long would the CD be? I mean in an arena perspective it will be great but if the pet dies then, 6 seconds could be life and death

8 minute CD for the instant rez.

Wow-Petopia here

Although the big takeaway from this is this is a tenacity pet that does not have mortal strike, does not allow for master’s call, and does not increase your movement speed either.

Spirit beasts being tenacity have the ability to heal and purge. That’s why they become more viable. If pets remain unable to change families again, this will make this pet still hard to bring due to the lack of critical abilities that cunning offers for PvP.


Do you think 8min will be to long? I feel like maybe a 4 or 5min cd would be too bad since it feels like we haven’t really had any groundbreaking changes yet

Sounds like they just want healers to priorities the entire team and not just the human players. It’s no different for Warlocks, or even Death Knights. Hunter pets are by far the most durable. Do more than just have your pet tunnel vision a target and you’ll be fine. You know, like we did for the past 10 years?

They’re also far more important to our class than either of those, and being the “most durable” of the three doesn’t mean hard to kill.

BM gets good sustained damage with very little burst abilities as a trade off for full mobility. That’s fine. Maybe its because I didn’t play a hunter until 8.3, but I have no idea how we would be able to keep up any type of effective rotation, on the move, while also micromanaging a pet, making sure neither of us dies. Then if that gets messed up (which can happen for a plethora of reasons) and the pet dies we’re out for a minimum of 6 seconds?

And on top of that, locks, who DON’T rely on the pet nearly as much, are going to get an instant-rez on a few minute cooldown? C’mon now.

Just doesn’t seem right.


They are more important. Which is why the player has complete control over all the pet’s abilities, as well as where it moves, how long it stays there, when it returns to the player, how it LoS with pillar, etc.

Nobody who relies on their pet by just telling it to attack and forgetting it’s there should be rewarded.

That will take changing the mindset of pretty much every healer and I can almost guarantee it will not happen.

Hunter pets, unless something has changed, are not durable in Shadowlands. There’s also the issue of them randomly dying during boss fights through no fault of our own. Then we enter PvP where a pet can be focused and they will die. No ifs ands or buts. Pets are tools and do not have the mechanics a player character has to hold off such an attack.


Yes, I believe Blizzard already took care of that with the 20%-30% pet damage nerf at the beginning of Bfa.

Some people I swear post and haven’t done their due diligence reading the entire thread or even snippets of it.

The last time I had a season rated under 2400 was in WotLK because I needed brain surgery. Seems like maybe the Hunter community might need it as well if you can’t figure out how to keep your pet alive or understand the choice between a hard cc to res a pet or bursting without.

No need to be rude, Hon. It’s just a discussion. shrugs


I’m wondering if they plan on implementing improved versions of res pet. You get the first one at lvl 6 and it’s the 6 second cast version but as you level up, there are two improved versions bringing it back to the 2 second version. I don’t know why they would do it this way (they did this with other baseline abilities in other classes) but I can only hope that this is their end result. If it stays at a 6 second cast, then hunters are basically a dead class unless MM becomes good again.

Don’t worry just spend 1 of your 3 precious pvp slots on one they will make to have it be the old cast time. Oh blizzard, what trolls.