Revival Catalyst

No, hitler. There are more than one form of end game content.

I should not have to raid to progress m+. Raiding is awful.


Tier sets should not work in M+ or pvp neither should raid trinkets

What happened to my DF Tier 1 catalyst charges? Why are these no longer available to me?

To be clear, I’m not trying to turn them into Tier 2 pieces, still Tier 1

I strongly dislike this. I am okay with trinkets and tier not working in PvP, but not in M+.

Good news, you do not!

However, if you want to compete with other players who participate in more content than you will either have to play better or also participate.

You could take it even further, scale down raid gear in M+ and M+ gear in raid entirely. Just like pvp gear. Mwahaha

Sounds like a great way to kill the game.

Lol, no! Quit with your horrible suggestions! :stuck_out_tongue:

At least raiding :crossed_fingers: probably not M+ though

20s are being 4 manned to sell.

People aren’t being held back from doing their keys because they didn’t get their tier set in the first few weeks.

It sounds more like your friend was looking for a reason to quit considering tier and crafted items are literally the only guaranteed items in the entire game and you’ll have them for 80% of the tier/season.

I wouldn’t throw stones with your provocative history.

Plus this isn’t the first time Blizzard has done something stupid and players made them make changes.

I’m not an elitist or a jerk.

Nothing I have said is dishonest.

So keep reaching.

Then why should you have raid gear then if you don’t like raiding . Because Tier which is what the catalyst convers gear into is raid gear.

Or just have tier drop in every pillar of the game so people can just play what they want.

sometimes i also just spout stupid things that are not based on reality too.

They tried removing tier altogether. Players complained. They tried adding azerite armor as a replacement, available through every pillar. Players complained.

It’s released as of the 13th.

What did I say that is not based on reality ?

Catalyst converts gear into tier items .
Tier items primarily come from Raids (Other sources are vault and catalyst when opened except for this week due to human error)
So therefore Tier is Raid gear.

If you don’t like Raids of any level including LfR then why do you need Raid Gear ?

You don’t need it . In fact most of us unless we are doing heroic or mythic raiding and maybe those say doing above +15 say around more like 20+ don’t need it .

We want it and that is fine . People complaining about why isn’t the catalyst up day one of the patch come off like petulant little children in the backseat constantly going " Are We There Yet"

Learn patience not having the catalyst yet is not the end of the world.

yeah when I logged in for the first time this reset I am pretty sure it wasn’t there. that was about 8-10 hours afterwards

makes clearing world content/old content easier?

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