Revival Catalyst Not Allowing Transformation of Eligible Items

What the title says. Moonless, Sunless, Starless, etc. items of Veteran and higher rating are not marked as eligible for transformation even though Blizzard themselves said they would be in blue posts on the subject.


same for me

As far as I know, the only open world gear eligible is Suffused.


Moonless is also meant to be elligible. In fact it was last week when the catalyst went live without charges by accident.

Moonless is green pieces from quests and on the AH. Only Suffused is eligible.

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They are also rewards the weekly Heroic quests, which fall under the Champion ilvl bracket. Again, they were elligible last week.


And none of that is eligible. Last week is irrelevant. We were told it’s only Fyrakk Assault gear. That’s it.

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We were only told crafted gear wouldn’t be eligible. It was absolutely never stated only Fyrakk assault gear would be that way. The actual wording was that all ilvl appropiate gear would be allowed to be turned into tier.


Let me put it to you this way: this isn’t a bug. This is the same as season 1. Season 1 was only Primal gear. Season 2 is only Suffused gear.

You aren’t getting tier from quest gear.

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Except they explicitally stated that it would work as long as it fits within the correct ilvl tier, and it’s not crafted. And again, it worked last week. You can say it’s irrelevant when they very clearly coded that in originally.


Link to me a blue post that states this please.

You mean when it was broken and we weren’t even supposed to have access or the quest? Mkay.

You want to link all Blueposts about the catalyst? Or do you want me to post examples of people turning weekly quest gear into tier last season, too?


Can confirm I was turning my weekly Heroic gear into tier last season.

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Every source I’ve found list this as the only requirements, and the ilvl thresholds for each appearance/tint:

"The community has figured out Catalyst breakpoints for gear in Season 2. Courtesy of [TrillumSilver]

  • Season 2 items eligible for the Catalyst must be of Veteran rank or higher.
  • Item Level 405-411 items convert to gear with Raid Finder appearances.
  • Item Level 415-424 items convert to gear with Normal Difficulty appearances.
  • Item Level 428-437 items will convert to gear with Heroic Difficulty appearances.
  • Item Level 441+ items will convert to gear with Mythic Difficulty appearances.
  • Upgraded Bloody Tokens (item level 411) gear converts to Normal Difficulty transmog.
  • Non-upgrade Bloody Tokens gear cannot be converted."

I need to see what Blizzard officially said about what gear can be used in the Catalyst in order for this to be a bug or not.

What weekly quest? Because the Mythic weekly awarded pieces from the Heroic raid and the Timewalking weekly awarded pieces from the Normal raid. That’s raid gear. Raid gear has always been eligible.

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Those aren’t blue posts.

They are still verified sources from websites such as WoWhead and IcyVeins from people who have tested the Catalyst in the PTR during Raid testing for weeks.

So following your logic it’s either a bug that Blizzard somehow never found out about (unlikely), or Blizzard hotfixed this even though it’s inconsistent as it is non-crafted PVE content within the correct ilvl.

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No. They aren’t. PTR is not finalized and assuming isn’t a blue post.

If you don’t have a blue post, then there was nothing set in stone from PTR and this isn’t a bug. Here’s the latest article, just to show you how much third party is irrelevant:

I will rather trust precedent set by the previous season and PTR testers until Blizzard clarifies.

As I’ve stated before, every bluepost I’ve found as well as articles written by testers only say non-crafted PVE and PVP gear within the correct ilvl. That’s it.

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Precedent from last season is absolutely no different now.

Last season: Mythic weekly gave raid pieces, Timewalking weekly gave raid pieces, M+ pieces, raid pieces and Primal gear

This season: Mythic weekly gives raid pieces, Timewalking weekly gives raid pieces, M+ pieces, raid pieces and Suffused gear.

This is exactly the same as last season.

You have yet to link a blue post that details what open world gear can be used in the Catalyst.

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