So. With the quest “A new hope” being finally available on the game, I went to check by myself, only to discover that I couldn’t do on this character because I never did the Night Warrior questline on this character, so I decided to do it and see If I noticed some new stuff, and I sure did. Beware, I’m going to talk about some datamined Shadowlands stuff as well as 9.0 content. This is not some big lore reveal or theory, just noticing some interesting or fun stuff, and some lore conclusions about events.
1- Tyrande never struggled, this is something people have been complaining, that Tyrande didn’t show to be powerful enough in the scenario because Nathanos gets away, but Tyrande herself is never at danger, is never harmed or restrained, she does back away when the player character gets locked up in those chains that the Val’kyr cast on you, but it seems more tactical, to give space for Malfurion to appear.
2- Those Val’kyr were powered up by the jailer as well, that one is pretty much everything but confirmed, since we know they’ve been sent to aid Sylvanas by the Jailer, but also, they have the same “chain” spell that Sylvanas uses against Bolvar and also the Creatures that get a hold of Anduin in the new pre-rendered cinematic for the prepatch.
3- Special effects, of course this is a very minor thing, but I noticed both Nathanos and the Val’kyr having attacks that use that new green and black special effect that has been used to show Death magic or necrotic magic, not sure if It is something new, or I just noticed, but is the same green and black stuff you see in shadowlands and on the new starting zone Exile’s reach.
4- Wardens, i like Wardens a lot, and I’ve wished for a Warden class for a long time, but I just noticed how the Wardens uses different weapon types and are not locked to the famous warden glaives, You see quite a few wardens in this scenario besides Maiev and Syra. Drelanim Whisperwind is there, players might know her from the Vault of the Warden dungeon in Legion, wonder if she is related to Tyrande, but there isn’t any special dialogue with her, and when you click on her, she says her legion lines. She uses two fists weapons. Mirana Starlight also uses two other fist weapons, Malace Shade uses a spear, Shalis Darkhunter uses a bow and Marin Bladewing is the only one using the regular Warden Glaives we see. Also, here is 5 named wardens, so at least we have 5 more expansions of Wardens going crazy (please Blizz don’t do that to Drelanim or Maiev, they cool).
5- The buff on Nathanos was shown before by other people here on the forums, but I like to reiterate on that, as soon as one of the Valkyr dies, Nathanos runs away, so I’m thinking he knew he didn’t had a chance without the Val’kyr backing him up.
Well, this is it, just a fun little topic about some interesting stuff in the scenario. I have recorded everything and also took some screenshots, once i’m able to post them i should leave them here. If you ever found something interesting in the scenario or have any thought, feel free to share!