Revisiting customization again

Now is a great time to improve the willy-nilly customization and even it out across the board for ALL races, both core and allied races. Blizzard artists wanted feedback - it’s time to give some more feedback, especially since some races are extremely in favor while others saw virtually or literally nothing (especially allied races).

The new customization options are all awesome so far. But it would be great if everyone got more new, fun options across the board. As it is, orcs, tauren, night elves, and dwarves easily get all the most fun and interesting customizations that can truly make them feel unique as an individual.

Here are a few things that feel very missing right away…

  • Solid true black fur for worgen. This has been missing for a long time. We have an incredible solid white now. It would be awesome to see a solid black equivalent. Just as dark and rich and striking as the black on the new furs, but actually solid black. No white hands or feet or fingers or toes or white markings on the face. The black equivalent of the new white.
  • Stubble facial hair for humans. Orcs have had this since vanilla; humans are glaringly lacking in a facial hair that isn’t a full beard/mustache/etc.
  • Eye color options for draenei and nightborne. Draenei are the only core race that gets no eye color options. They could use some different blues, greys, purples, and greens (note: you can have green or greenish eyes without it being Fel green; like a blue-green.) And nightborne? They have no eye colors at all, either.
  • Normal hair colors and styles for void elves. This is in very high demand, since these are apparently our high elf stand-ins and we’re sticking with that…
  • Tattoos and/or war paint for basically everyone. We see NPCs in the game of every race with tattoos, but right now only a select few races can have them (and/or war paint). Humans and kul’tirans could really use some tattoos!
  • Necklaces, chokers, and jewelry for more races and for males. Males shouldn’t be cut off from having necklaces, piercings, or the arm jewelry or anything else that females have. It’s a whole lot of new customization options that males are barred from (except for certain races, like male orcs getting lots of piercings and male tauren getting necklaces).
  • Separate scar options for everyone. The blue post on new customization mentioned this for humans… but humans don’t even get the scars separate from face and skin tone options. Let us pick our scars separately, like orcs - let everyone do that.
  • Pandaren fixes. Pandaren… need work. A lot of work. They are broken and unfinished. Males need tails, the female tails are untextured and glitchy.
  • Asian human faces and skin tones. We saw these shown off at Blizzcon but we didn’t actually get them. There were some very nice-looking Asian faces and skin tones. The new skin tones don’t look like what we got, and there’s no sign of the new Asian faces as we were shown at Blizzcon.
  • More hair options and horn/head plate options for male draenei. Male draenei, like so many males, got shafted. Female draenei got lots of new horns from the lightforged and other places; males saw none of that. Males could use some of those really cool horns like lightforged have, as the females now get, and it would also be cool to see more short hair options for them.
  • More variety and striking eye colors for various races. The eye colors on dwarves look incredibly striking compared to humans - everyone will know a mile away my dwarf has green eyes, but not my human.
  • Upright posture options for hunched races. Male orcs got this a long time ago, out of the blue. Male worgen, male undead, and even male tauren would benefit immensely from these options.
  • Tail options for beast races. Worgen could use wolf tail options (with a no tail option) for both genders. Draenei get tail options - what about pandas, like male pandas? What about vulpera getting new tail options - different colorations, maybe some decorations? There are so many possibilities.
  • Worgen need more options - wolfish ear options, piercings… Worgen didn’t get much. It would be great to let us make our worgen look more like wolves with ears on top of the heads (like the alpha models had, for both genders) and more.
  • More variety in druid form options. With the new barber shop system, now is the chance to add lots of fun and unique druid form options and new colorations! Worgen could tank and DPS in their worgen form using their claws, for instance.
  • New face options and new and improved hair options for more races. Humans, male and female, really need new and better hair - long, pretty hair like the female kul’tirans have, and some nice, short, spiky hair for male humans, just as a few examples.
  • Teeth options for all monster races, some with piercings, different styles of tusks/teeth. Piercings would include the various tusked races. Teeth options would include male worgen, who could use an option for no big teeth poking out at all and anatomically correct wolf teeth, with the lower canines in front and the uppers behind.
  • Body hair options. This would be really cool. Orcs could get optional body hair, and body hair wouldn’t have to be tied to skin tone on humans. You could make fuzzier humans and kul’tirans, fuzzy orcs… it’d be fun.

Allied races in particular need to be revisited and given fun new things, as well as several core races that were given almost nothing, especially the males. Worgen, draenei, blood elves…

I’d love to see all the wacky distinctive options like orcs and tauren currently get brought to all the other races, as well, including allied races.

Yes, it would be a lot of work. Yes, it would take time. Yes, I appreciate what we have gotten so far. Etc. Etc. Suggested with all due respect and plenty of excitement for what’s to come.

As it is right now, the customization options are scattered everywhere and many races are favored high over others. This needs to be evened out so that everyone gets some of everything, especially in terms of the tattoos, scars, etc.


While I agree with this post and eagerly await supposed additional customization, I have one concern before pre-patch releases. Earlier today, I had been looking at Pandaren tails on the females and the newer skin-colors (the rich chocolates, blue, and purple) lack a snubbed tail texture. It currently looks as if it is a placeholder with a basic un-colored mesh.

I also hope this bodes well for the other animal races, especially where variety is concerned.

Tail options for beast races. Worgen could use wolf tail options (with a no tail option) for both genders. Draenei get tail options - what about pandas, like male pandas? What about vulpera getting new tail options - different colorations, maybe some decorations? There are so many possibilities

The menu for snubbed/long tail gives me hope that more will be added in the future under for other races or more skin textures will be added…


Hide pants and cool new underwear colors and designs to choose from at the barber shop would make my year.


Do you know how many new things Pandaren get? So few that you didn’t even mention Pandaren in your entire post.


That’s because Pandas aren’t that popular(I like them) so no one is screaming at the top of their lungs like they are for Void Elves.

I also still disagree with giving Void Elves the same hair colours and styles as Blood Elves. There would be nothing different from the two then. Unless Nightborne get all customization options that Night Elves have to make it fair. Again this is just my opinion and if Blizzard does it then tough luck to me eh? =P

I said “all races” multiple times.

I think that covers everyone. And I did mention pandas, in particular that male pandas should get tail options as well.

It amazes me that every time anyone talks customization options, someone has to make sure that whoever is asking for them feels bad that they didn’t talk enough about worgen/pandaren/nightborne/undead/trolls/etc. I don’t specifically mention races I personally don’t play as, because I don’t play as them (I actually don’t play nightborne, either). I want everyone across the board to get more options. Literally everyone.

It is true that pandas baseline have way more options than a lot of races (compare the number of faces and fur colors and hairs etc. that male pandas get to what male worgen get, before or after the update). Does that mean I don’t want them to get more new things? No. I want everyone to get more new things.


Mate calm down a little, I’m just poking fun at the lack of stuff Pandaren get especially when we look at Humans, Belves, Voidelves and Nelves all of wich get an absolutely insane amount of new stuff.

Female Pandaren get the following in a nutshell
1 new fur colour with 2 patterns
3 new hairstyles
Disconnection of tail size and fur colour.

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  • More hairstyles for all. I have expressed some of the hairstyles I would enjoy. Including long, thick ponytails. Longer hairstyles in general. I feel like they should open up hairstyles and share among all races. It would give us even more variety with barely any effort. Please make the effort tho and give us lots of new ones also.

  • More hair colours for all races.

  • Nightborne I would like more softer facial option. You could probably give everyone another facial option to counter this. Which 1 or 2 new facials is not that much work.

  • Better looking beards. I’m not that big of a fan, but I mentioned it long ago. I think a lot of community would just enjoy decent beards on a race other than a Dwarf. Or perhaps some stubble.

  • Now this is asking a bit more but maybe add one additional body frame on races. (Why I am only asking for one) I know I personally don’t care as much for some races more than others. Still they shouldn’t leave other races out. People made a valid point of Kul Tirans not being able to have a skinny model. Those models exist. That would take no effort to implement. The thing is if you make body frame selection an option for one race, I guess you would have to do it for all. I know I would personally enjoy a less masculine form on the Nightborne females. (A lot of transmogs do not fit right on them) Example; compare Nightborne in Tier armors to Night Elf. Trust me you see the difference.


  • Tattoos I think sound alright. I’m not that big of a fan but if they look right. Has potential to be really cool. I know I do enjoy some of the markings on my DH, Nightborne and NE.

  • Scars sound alright too.

  • Warpaint for all races now. Including in some awesome colours. Gold, Silver, Bronze, soot/black, Any type of colour with metallic tinge would be gorgeous.

  • More jewellery. I like the idea of more jewelry on every appendage. Draenei horns too. All races I would like more jewelry in general in every area… upper arm jewelry, lower thigh. Anklets. Bracelets, necklaces potentially etc. Pretty much every area. Barefoot sandals :heart:

  • Tusks in general. (Trolls) Draenei and Tauren more horns.

  • Pandas to take away the panda pattern so they can be a variety of different bears. Polar, Grizzly, Black bear you name it.

  • Draenei tail options to be expanded on. (Lightforged too) They made long tails. I would like a short nub tail. Good example is like a deer. One that is upright. :heart:

  • Makeup and warpaint to be actually noticeable. Human females have a problem with the makeup looking close to non-existent. (Muted) See no point of it currently. Give more/better options. Makeup and warpaint for all races.

  • Undead to get different type of skins. Like similar to Bolvar has cracked fire animation. Or could green it up and have them all blighted up. Maybe even go full skeleton. Potentially more missing appendages? Besides their jaw currently.

  • Blood and Void Elves can have the dark ranger look. This was not originally suggested by me but I like this idea. So a pale skintone (no bluetint) with red eyes. I like the idea of smokey eye makeup or soot warpaint complementing it also.

  • Taurens looking more like minotaurs. I like the idea of taking their mane/ hair away. (Uptop) Giving a more menacing type of face also. (Like worgen received) I know they are suppose to be gentle giants, but if looks great on the worgen and could look real awesome if done right.

  • Another addition for facial feature/head structure for Tauren is could make it similar to Taunka.

  • Fluffly mane for taurens also and fix the humpback.

  • Straight back models for all! Let’s fix that posture. A lot of people requesting Undead and Worgen be able to stand upright. Imagine how menacing, ferocious and tall those Worgens could be.

  • Worgen tails. I am supportive of this.

  • Luminescent markings/tattoos/warpaint like what the Nightborne and Lightforged Draenei have currently but for all races. More options for those two Allied races.

Class customization suggestions.

((I think they might be doing a tiny bit of this already but tying it to covenants. I am so much more supportive of the Glyphs.))

  • Offering different ghost wolf forms. (I would love a new wolf) Example; Vulpera can have a little fox. Just more options in general would be amazing.

  • Different looking druid forms.

  • Warlocks can have different looking demons and name them.

  • DKs can have different looking ghouls and name them.

  • Paladin different wings. Different variety also. I really miss the original but I think people would prefer more flavor.

  • Priest I wish the Val’kyr would’ve been updated… I would’ve loved a beautiful form. Was never really a fan of the original.

Reposted. :slight_smile: A few alterations but not much… oh lookie what was at the top of the list.

Also I am supportive of hide pants option like someone said in this thread. I don’t consider it customization more like transmog but ya very important. We will need for some killer dresses in the future.


Trolls would like access to the orgrimmar chiropractor too! And beards! Also make our 3 toed feet more chameleon like for gripping slippery jungle branches. Forsaken need designs carved into their flesh, hoofed races could use some hoof paint, moss on antlers of hmt, how about some pict inspired war paint for humans? That way people could be from the highlands. Scarification tattoos for trolls, designs shaved into furry races, death wounds for forsaken and death knights, how about some frozen, unholy, and blood customizations for death knights? Could be frozen hair, maggots for unholy, and bloody runes carved into the skin for blood. Can we get glyphs to better represent our race/class? A zandalari troll should have motifs of the loa, a Tauren should have motifs of anshe. Priests from different cultures should not have the same looking spells. Sv crossbow could be glyphed to be a throwing ax or spear. So many things can be done customization wise and they should go all out on them


I want everything everyone suggested throughout the thread because I just want more stuff. Everyone could use more stuff.

If Blizz wants to update our customization and make that a highlight of the expansion, it should be a whole lot of very serious updates for all races across the board.

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For Druids, I could see them adding in the Glyph “Mark” of Stars, or maybe something new, like for a Dryad/Keeper of the Grove (Female/Male - Alliance) and Centaur (Horde) Glyph “Mark” of Cenarius’ Children, for Moonkin Forms.


At blizzcon they sold it as a feature of shadowlands. It’s sad so many races got left behind, worgen deserve so much more love than what they got


Yes! Worgen Females only got ONE new hairstyle… JUST ONE!

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Yeah that’s not ok compared to almost any other race. I’m really hoping they make things equal between customizations.

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I do agree! Tauren got a whole host of new hairstyles AND fur colors. Worgen get Fur colors and only ONE hairstyle, and that’s only available to the Female Worgen!

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And even then Tauren could use more love! They need some new faces, all races do. I mean even the humans and night elves could use some polishing and tattoos, even though I’m jealous of how much customization they got, they could still use more. Customization is something WoW has been lacking in for so long that there is so much to do even the races that got attention still need more. Maybe with how much attention customization needs they will be spreading it out over the course of the expac, and are probably just focusing on getting shadowlands into a playable state right now. But still read our suggestions blizzard! People got lots of great ideas

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Would love to see either the San’layn or the Dark Ranger themes becoming options for Blood Elves. Dark Rangers can be easily pulled off, by the Void Elves, currently, as they have the closest aesthetics to them.


Oh my GOSH I would roll a grove keeper druid so fast. I’ve loved them since WC3.

Free rides for the ladies.

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I sure do love my eye that is so subtly bluer that it cannot be noticed.

That’s all I got.

Pandaren didn’t even get finished. I was hoping it was something minor, that was going to be fixed before/during pre-patch… but now I’m hoping it is finished before SL release. Snub tails are still untextured for the new skins. I mentioned this earlier in the post, but since pre-patch hit… Surprise! This only occurs on skins 15-17. I checked the male Pandaren to learn they don’t have tail options so of course theirs are skinned. I wonder if the files are just lost? Oh well, looks like I’m playing with a tail.

I also saw some noticeable seams, but not certain how big of an issue this is. I just know somebody, at some point, mentioned seams on a race. They are simply more noticeable on the hands with skin 17 (female) versus every other skin where it looks natural.

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